Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 For during the continuance of the armie at Lith, the ships laie not idle, but scowring the riuer, burnt diuerse places, and left neither ship, craier, nor bote belonging to anie village, towne, créeke, or hauen, vpon either side of the foord, betwéene Sterling, and the mouth of the riuer, vnburned, or brought awaie,Sée more heereof in Scotland. which space conteineth fiftie miles in length. About the same time the earle of Lenox fled out of Scot|land into the rebne of England, where he was right gladlie receiued by king Henrie, and shortlie he ob|teined in marriage the ladie Marie Dowglas, néece to the king of England, and returned soone after in|to Scotland by sea, accompanied with a good compe|tent crue of English. But finding no such friend|ship among his countrie men as he looked to haue doone, he was constreined to returne, without atchi|uing the enterprise which he had taken in hand, in hope of such assistance by his friends, as now failed him at néed.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 ¶In the moneth of Maie proclamation was made for the inhancing of gold to eight & fortie shillings, Abr. Fl. ex I. Stow. 1029. & siluer foure shillings the ounce. Also the K. caused to be coined base monie,Base monie coined. which was since that time called downe, the fift yeare of Edward the sixt, and called in the second of queene Elizabeth.Irish in war|like manner passe through the citie. In the same moneth also passed through the citie of London in warlike maner, to the number of seauen hundred Irishmen, hauing for their weapons, darts, and handguns, with bagpipes before them: and in saint Iames parke besides Westminster they mustered before the king.Procession in English. In Iune the letanie or procession was set foorth in English, with commandement by the king to be generallie vsed in parish churches.] About the same time that the armie before remem|bred, was set forward into Scotland vnder the gui|ding of the earle of Hertford, as before yée haue heard, the king by aduise of his councell tooke order for the leuieng of a mightie armie, to passe ouer into France,An armie le|uied to inuade France. according to the appointment taken with his confederate, fréend and colleague, the emperour, against the French king, at that present common aduersarie to them both, and not long before had en|tered in league with the Turks, as Ch. Oc. noteth:
—cum dira foedera TurcisIunxerat, heu nimiùm res est indigna relatu,Christicolam facere hoc, qui relligionis amantemSe profitens, titulum pietatis venditat orbi.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 There were appointed thrée battels,Thrée battels apointed with their seuerall lieutenants. the voward vnder the leading of the duke of Norffolke, the bat|tell vnder the guiding of the duke of Suffolke, which also was reckoned to be the kings battell, bicause his maiestie ment to be present with the same in person, and the rere-ward was led by the lord Russell lord priuie seale. Those of the fore-ward were appare|led in blew cotes garded with red, and had caps and hosen after the same sute, partie blue and partie red, their caps made fit for their sculs, which were put in|to the same. The battell in cotes, caps, and hosen, af|ter the like fashion, but their colours were red and yellow.