Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Manie were suspected, but none found in fault, albeit forsomuch as he was one that would speake his mind freelie, and was at the same time one of the burgesses of the parlement for the citie of London, and had talked somewhat against the couetousnesse and crueltie practised by the cleargie, it was mistru|sted least by some of them he came thus to his end. At length the murtherer in déed was condemned at Banburie in Oxfordshire, to die for a fellonie which he afterwards committed: and when he came to the gallowes on which he suffered, he confessed that he did this murther, and till that time he was neuer had in anie suspicion thereof. ¶ The nine and twentith of March, were twelue of the Lincolneshire rebels drawne to Tiburne, and there hanged and quarte|red, fiue of them were priests, the residue laie men. One of the priests was doctor Makarell, and an o|ther was the vicar of Louth.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Rich. Grafton. The inuenti|on of casting pipes.About this season the maner of casting pipes of lead for the conueiance of water vnder the ground, without occupieng of soulder to the same, was in|uented by Robert Brocke clearke, then one of the kings chapleins, an inuention right necessarie for the sauing of expenses: for two men and a boie will doo that in one daie, which before could not be doone by manie men in manie daies. Robert Cooper gold|smith was the first that made the instruments, and put this inuention in practise. ¶ In the verie begin|ning of this yeare, Anno reg. 29. certeine commissioners being sent into Summersetshire to take vp corne, the peo|ple began to make an insurrection: but by the wise|dome and diligence of yoong master Paulet & others the same was suppressed, and the beginners thereof, to the number of thréescore, were apprehended & con|demned, and fourtéene of them were hanged and quartered, one of the number being a woman, the residue were saued by the kings mercifull par|don.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 In Iune the lord Darcie & the lord Huseie were arreigned at Westminster before the marquesse of Excester then high steward,Execution. where they were found guiltie, and had iudgement, as in cases of high trea|son. Shortlie after also were arreigned sir Robert Constable, sir Thomas Persie, sir Francis Bigod, sir Stephan Hamilton, sir Iohn Bulmer,Areignment. and his wife, or rather (as some report) his paramour: also William Lomleie, Nicholas Tempest, William Thurst abbat of Founteins, Adam Subburie abbat of Ierueux, William Wold prior of Birlington, al|so the abbat of Riuers, and Robert Aske.Execution. They were all found guiltie of high treason, and all put to death. Sir Robert Constable was hanged in chains ouer Beuerleie gate at Hull, and Robert Aske was also hanged in chains on a tower at Yorke, and Marga|ret Cheineie sir Iohn Bulmers paramour burnt in Smithfield in London. The other suffered at Ti|burne.