Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 In Maie pope Clement sent an orator to the king, requiring him to appeare personallie at the generall councell which he had appointed to be kept the yeére following. But when his commission was shewed, at the earnest request of the king, there was neither place nor time specified for the keeping of that coun|cell; and so with an vncerteine answer to an vncer|teine demand he departed, but not vnrewarded. The king vnderstanding that the pope,Ambassadors to the French king. the emperor, & the French king shuld méet at Nice in Iulie folowing, appointed the duke of Norffolke, the lord Rochford brother to quéene Anne, sir William Pawlet con|trollor of his house, sir Anthonie Browne, and sir Francis Brian knights, to go in ambassage to the French king, and both to accompanie him to Nice, and also to commune with the pope there concerning his staie in the kings diuorse. These worthie perso|nages made their prouision readie; and so with the number of eight score horsses they went to Douer, and passing ouer to Calis, tooke their waie through France, to accomplish their ambassage as they had in commandement.
Proclamati|on for the co|ronation of quéene Anne.In the beginning of Maie, the king caused open proclamations to be made, that all men that claim|ed to doo anie seruice, or execute anie office at the so|lemne feast of the coronation by the waie of tenure, grant, or prescription, should put their grant thrée wéekes after Easter in the Starrechamber before Charles duke of Suffolke, for that time high steward of England, and the lord chancellor and other com|missioners.The seuerall claimes of di|uerse honora|ble and wor|shipfull per|sons. The duke of Norffolke claimed to be erle marshall, and to exercise his office at that feast; the erle of Arundell claimed to be high butler, and to exercise the same; the erle of Oxford claimed to be chamberlaine; the vicount Lisle claimed to be pan|tler; the lord Aburgauennie to be chiefe larderer; and the lord Braie claimed to be almoner, and sir Henrie Wiat knight claimed to be ewrer. All these noble personages desired their offices with their fées.
Beside these,
the maior of London claimed to serue the quéene with a cup of gold, and a cup of as|saie of the same, and
that twelue citizens should at|tend on the cupboord, and the maior to haue the cup and cup of assaie for his
labor: which petition was al|lowed. The fiue ports claimed to beare a canopie o|uer the quéens head the daie
of the coronation with foure guilt belles, and to haue the same for a reward,
which to them was allowed.
The recei|uing, conuei|eng, and coro|nation of queene Anne, wife to the high & migh|ty prince
king Henrie the eight.
Edw. Hall. CCxij.
The kings letters to the maior of Lon|don, touching the corona|tion.