Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The parlemẽt proroged. Annates for|bidden to be paid.After this, was the parlement proroged till the tenth of Aprill. In this parlement was an act made, that bishops should paie no more annates or monie for their bulles to the pope: for it was prooued that there had béene paid for bulles of bishops, since the fourth yeare of Henrie the seuenth an hundred thrée|score thousand pounds sterling, beside other dispen|sations & pardons. When the parlement was begun againe after Easter, there was a motion made to helpe the king with monie toward his charges about the edifieng of houses, piles, and other fortifications, vpon the borders fore against Scotland, both for bet|ter habitation to be had there, & also for the restraint of the Scots that vsed to make inuasions. There was therefore a fiftéenth granted, but not enacted at this session,A fiftéenth granted. bicause that [...] began a pesti|lence in Westminster, [...] parlement was proroged, as ye shall heare in the ne [...] yeare.
Compare 1577 edition:
A toll deman|ded in the low countries.In this yeare was an old toll demanded in
Flan|ders of Englishmen called th [...]
[...]oll of the hound, which is a riuer and a passage. The toll is twelue pence of a fardell. It had béene
often demanded, but neuer paied, insomuch that king Henrie the seuenth for the demand of that toll, prohibited all his subiects to kéepe anie mart at Antwerpe or Barrow, till it was
promised that vpon their returne the said toll should neuer be demanded. The king sent doctor Knight, and
others to Calis, whither came the emperours com|missioners, and there (vpon talke) the matter was put in
suspension for a time. The king hauing purcha|sed of the cardinall after his attendure in the premu|nire his
house at Westminster,
Yorke place or white Hall now the palace of Westmin|ster. S. Iames.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The fourtéenth daie of Maie, Anno reg. [...]4 The parlem [...] proroged. the parlement was proroged till the fourth of Februarie next comming. After which prorogation, sir Thomas Moore, chancel|lor of England, after long sutes made to the king to be discharged of his office, the sixtéenth of Maie he de|liuered to the king at Westminster the great seale of England,Sir Thomas Moore deliue|reth vp the great seale. and was with the kings fauour dischar|ged, which seale the king kept till mondaie in Whit|sunwéeke, on which daie he dubbed Thomas Audleie speaker of the parlement, knight,Sir Thomas Audleie lord kéeper of the great seale. and made him lord kéeper of the great seale, and so he was called. ¶ The king being informed, that the pope and the French king should meet in the beginning of the next spring at Marseiles, he thought good for diuerse considera|tions, to speake with the French king in his owne person, before the pope and he should come togither: wherevpon it was concluded, that in October follo|wing, both the princes should méet betwéene Calis and Bullongne. Wherfore the king of England sent out his letters to his nobles, prelats, and seruants, commanding them to be readie at Canturburie the six and twentith of September, to passe the seas with him, for the accomplishment of the interuiew be|twixt him and the French king.