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Ye shall vnderstand, that he had in his hall conti|nuallie three boords,The order of the cardinals house, and first of his hall. kept with three seuerall principall officers, that is to saie, a steward which was alwaies a priest; a treasuror a knight; and a comptrollor an esquier; also a cofferer being a doctor; three mar|shals; three yeomen vshers in the hall, besides two groomes, and almoners. Then in the hall kitchin, two clearks of the kitchin;The hall kit|chin. a clearke comptrollor; a surueior of the dressor; a clearke of the spicerie, the which togither kept also a continuall messe in the hall. Also in his hall kitchin he had of master cooks two, and of other cooks, laborers and children of the kitchin, twelue persons; foure yeomen of the scul|lerie, and foure yeomen of the siluer scullerie; two yeomen of the pastrie, with two other pastelers vn|der the yeomen.

The priuie kitchin. The scalding house. The pantrie. The butterie. The yewrie. The cellar. The chandrie wafarie, &c.Then in his priuie kitchin a master cooke, who went dailie in veluet or in sattin, with a chaine of gold, with two other yeomen and a groome: in the scalding house, a yeoman and two groomes: in the pantrie two persons: in the butterie two yeomen, two groomes, and two pages: and in the yewrie like|wise: in the cellar thrée yeomen, and thrée pages: in his chandrie two: in the wafarie two: in the ward|robe of beds, the maister of the wardrobe, and ten o|ther persons: in the landrie, a yeoman, a groome, thirtie pages, two yeomen purueiors, & one groome: in the bake-house, a yeoman and two groomes: in the wood-yard a yeoman, and a groome: in the barne one: in the garden a yeoman and two groomes: por|ters at the gate, two yeomen, and two groomes: a yeoman of his barge: and a maister of his horsse: a clearke of the stable, a yeoman of the same: the sad|ler: the ferrier: a yeoman of his chariot: a sumpter man: a yeoman of his stirrop: a muleter: sixtéene groomes of his stable, euerie of them kept foure gel|dings.

In the almorie a yeoman and a groome:Thomas Wolseis chap|pell and such as bare office there. in his chappell he had a deane, a great diuine, and a man of excellent learning: a subdeane: a repeater of the quire: a gospeller: a pistler: of singing priests ten: a maister of the children: seculars of the chappell, sing|ing men twelue: singing children ten, with one ser|uant to await vpon the children: in the reuestrie a yeoman, and two groomes, ouer and besides diuerse reteiners that came thither at principall feasts. For the furniture of his chappell,The furni|ture of his chappell. it passeth my capacitie to declare the number of costlie ornaments and rich iewels that were to be occupied in the same continu|allie: there hath béene séene in procession, about the hall, foure and fortie verie rich coapes of one sute worne, besides the rich crosses and candlestickes, and other ornaments to the furniture of the same.

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