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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Monsieur de Prate the emperours ambassador, whether offended for admitting of Iohn Iokin into the realme (as before ye haue heard) or for some other cause, the ninth of Aprill departed out of England, not taking leaue of the king, nor of the cardinall, and so much did by safe conduct, that he passed through France in post, and came to the emperour before the ambassadors of England came thither. And whether it was by his report, or otherwise, the accustomed fauour that the emperour shewed to the Englishmen, began then to decaie, as was well perceiued, whatsoeuer the matter was. This yeare at Whitsuntide died Thomas duke of Norffolke, and was honourablie buried at Thetford. The cardinall trauelled earnestlie with the maior and aldermen of London, about the aid of monie to be granted, and likewise the commissioners appointed in the shires of the realme, sat vpon the same: but the burthen was so greeuous, that it was generallie denied, and the commons in euerie place so mooued, that it was like to grow to rebellion.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 In Essex the people would not assemble before the commissioners in no houses, but in open places, and in Huntingtonshire diuerse resisted the commissioners, and would not suffer them to sit, which were apprehended and sent to the Fleet. The duke of Suffolke sitting in commission about this subsidie in Suffolke, persuaded by courteous meanes the rich clothiers to assent therto: but when they came home, and went about to discharge and put from them their spinners, carders, fullers, weauers, and other artificers, which they kept in work afore time, the people began to assemble in companies. Whereof when the duke was aduertised, he commanded the constables that euerie mans harnes should be taken from him. But when that was knowne, then the rage of the people increased, railing openlie on the duke, and sir Robert Drurie, and threatned them with death, and the cardinall also. And herewith there assembled togither after the maner of rebels foure thousand men of Lanham, Sudberie, Hadleie, and other townes thereabouts, which put themselues in harnesse, and rang the bels alarme, and began to assemble in great number.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The duke of Suffolke perceiuing this, began to gather such power as he could, but that this was verie slender. Yet the gentlemen that were with the duke, did so much that all the bridges were broken, so that the assemblie of those rebels was somewhat letted. The duke of Norffolke being therof aduertised, gathered a great power in Norffolke, and came towards the commons, & sending them to know their intent, receiued answer, that they would liue and die in the kings causes, and be to him obedient. Herevpon he came himselfe to talke with them, and willing to know who was their capteine, that he might answer for them all: it was told him by one Iohn Greene a man of fifie yeares of age, that Pouertie was their capteine, the which with his cousin Necessitie, had brought them to that dooing. For whereas they and a great number of other in that countrie, liued not not [sic] vpon themselues, but vpon the substantiall occupiers, now that they through such paiments as were demanded of them, were not able to mainteine them in worke, they must of necessitie perish for want of sustenance.

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