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Compare 1577 edition: 1 Moreouer, now that it was concluded, that the kings of England and France should méet (as yee haue heard) then [...]oth the kings committed the order and manner of their méeting,The whole maner of the interuiew cõ|mitted to the cardinall. and how manie daies the same should continue, & what preheminence each should giue to other, vnto the cardinall of Yorke, which to set all things in a certeintie, made an instru|ment, conteining an order and direction concerning the premisses by him deuised and appointed.

20.1. The tenour of the said instrument mad by the cardinall.

The tenour of the said instrument mad by the cardinall.

_THomas archbishop of Yorke and cardinall, &c. Ab. Fl. ex Ed. Hall in H. 8. fol. lxx. Albeit that by the treatie and meeting of the right high, and right puissant princes, Henrie by the grace of God, king of Eng|land, and of France, lord of Ireland, my so|uereigne lord: and Francis by the same grace, K. of France right christened, made and concluded at London the eight daie of October, the yeare of our Lord one thou|sand fiue hundred and eighteene, be among other things concluded and accorded, that the same meeting shall be in place indiffe|rent, and not subiect to any of the said prin|ces. Neuerthelesse we, considering the ho|nour, profit, and vtilitie, that shall redound by the interuiew of the said two princes, and not onelie to the said two princes, their realmes and subiects, but also to all chri|stendome, after declaration herevpon had with the said princes.

Also considering that the said illustre king of England my souereigne lord, in pas|sing the sea with his retinue, shall susteine great costs and expenses, and dispose him|selfe to great labors and dangers, leauing his realme and puissance for certeine time, we haue thought & esteemed, that he should not be wholie satisfied to the honour and dignitie of the same, right illustre king of England my souereigne lord, and should not haue in regard condigne of his labours and dangers, if the said interuiew or mee|ting after the first treatie shuld be in place indifferent. Wherefore it is that we desi|ring to weie equallie the honor and digni|tie of the said two kings, by vertue and power of the commissions to vs giuen, of whom the tenours shall bee hereafter de|clared: we haue made, declared, and ordei|ned certeine articles accepted & approoued by the same princes respectiuelie, which they will obserue, and by these presents we make, declare, and ordeine as followeth.

And first we declare and ordeine, that before the end of the moneth of Maie next comming,The first ar|ticle of the in|teruiew of the two kings & their traine. the said illustre king of England shall come personallie to the castle of Guis|nes, with his bedfellow the queene, and his EEBO page image 854 sister the Dowaresse of France: & sembla|blie the right christened K. of France, shall come in person to his castle of Ard with the queene & his mother: and some day, houre, and time, within foure daies at the most, after the end of Maie, that shall be assig|ned by the commissioners of the one and the other partie, the said king of England shall issue out of his castell of Guisnes half a mile long, without that that he shall issue out of the limits of his demain of Guisnes, and shall come towards the said castell of Ard: and there within the territorie of the said castell of Guisnes, he shall rest in some place not fortified nor walled, and neere the limits of France, that the said commissio|ners shall assigne (as aboue said.)

The maner of their méeting and mutuall gréeting.And the said right christened king, par|ting from his castell of Ard, shall come to|ward the said king of England the same day, place, time, and houre, that shall tarie him within the demaine of Guisnes, as is said. In the which shall not bee set or dres|sed anie pauilions or tents, and there the said two kings being on horssebacke, with their retinue shall see the one the other, and salute each other, and speake together fa|miliarlie, and common in that sort and ma|ner, and so long as shall seeme to them good. And after the said salutation and commu|nication finished for that time, the said il|lustre king of England shall returne to his castell of Guisnes, and the said right chri|stened king to his castell of Ard.

What both the kings were to doo the mor|row after the first inter|uiew.Item, for so much that we thinke to be satisfied touching the labours, dangers, & honour of the said king of England, my so|uereigne lord of so much, that the said right christened king at the first speaking, he shall come forward vnto, and within his territorie of Guisnes, we will keepe the ho|nour of the said kings: & therefore declare and ordeine, that on the morrow after the first interuiew, the same kings shall meet togither in some fit place, indifferent be|tweene Ard and Guisnes, that shall be as|signed by the said commissioners.

And after the salutation made on the one and the other partie, the said right illu|stre king of England shall go to the castell of Ard, to see, salute, and visit the queene of France, and also the sister of the said chri|stened king, with whome he shall dine pri|uilie. And likewise the said right christened king shall go to the castell of Guisnes, to visit and salute the queene of England, and the Dowaresse of France, with whome he shall dine. In the which places the said princes shall be receiued familiarlie and a|miablie, vnto mutuall loue, and also to the honour of the said princes.

Item, as the said serene princes of En|gland & France, be like in force corporall, beautie, & gift of nature, right expert & ha|uing knowledge in the art militant, right cheualrous in armes,Order for feats of che|ualrie and ac|tiuitie and the place thereto appointed. & in the flower and vigor of youth, wherby seemed to vs a right assemblie, that for to adorne and honor the same assemblie, and to shew their for|ces in armes, they shall take counsell and dispose themselues to doo some faire fea [...] of armes, as well on foot as on horssebacke, against all commers: we declare and or|deine, that the place where shall be the sa [...]d fight and feat of armes, shall be chosen be|tweene Guisnes and Ard, and assigned by the commissioners of the one and the other partie.

And for a suertie of the persons of the said kings & their companie, the said place shall be apparelled, diched, fortified, and kept of the one and the other partie, by e|quall number of men of armes, respectiue|lie committed and deputed that to doo. And during the time of the said iusts and feats of warre, the same kings and queenes with their retinue, shall see ech other familiarlie, and conuerse and speake togither. And e|uerie daie towards the euening, after the iusts, triumphs, bankets, & familiar com|munications doone, the said kings with their retinue shall returne into their ca|stels, that is to say, the king of England into his castell of Guisnes, & the said right christened king into his castell of Ard; and thus they shall doo dailie, during the said fight and feat of armes.

Item, we declare and ordeine,Order for [...]periorit [...]e to be giuen to the king of England [...] the quéene within the French ter|ritorie. that when the same king of England and the queene his bedfellow, & the Dowaresse of France his sister, with their retinue, shall go to the territorie and entrie of the foresaid right christened king, the superioritie and prehe|minence shall be giuen to the said king of England, to the queene his bedfellow, and to their retinue respectiuelie, during the time that they shall tarie and be there: and semblablie when the said right christened king, and the queene his bedfellow and his right illustre ladie and moother, with their retinue shall come to the territorie and en|trie of the said illustre king of England, the superioritie and preheminence shall be gi|uen to the said right christened king, to the queene his bedfellow, and to his moother, and to their retinue during the time that they shall continue and abide there.

Item, forsomuch as the castels and pla|ces where the said interuiew shall be, be so little and narrow, that if entrie and licence to come thither be giuen to all them that would go thither, diuers annoiances, trou|bles & impechments should follow: wher|fore it is so, that we the cardinall aboue said, by these presents declare and ordeine, that none of the retinue of the said kings,Order for restraint of assemblies to the places appointed [...] the interui [...]. queenes, or other lords and nobles, of what estate, qualitie, or condition that he or they be of, shall not come to the said assemblie with more great number of persons or horsse, than shall be written by letters sub|scribed by the said kings: the which shall conteine the estates and conditions of the persons, as well men as women, and num|ber of seruants and horsse, except the com|mon consent and licence of the said kings.

Item, forsomuch as peraduenture it shall come that the said princes, lords, gen|tlemen, EEBO page image 855 and houshold seruants, shall see and conuerse togither familiarlie,Order for [...] princes [...] going [...] comming. to the end that it maie ingender betweene them an a|mitie more firme and stable, for that cause, and that more suerlie and agreeablie they may be togither, as well by day as by night without any danger or feare, which we de|sire to prouide: we declare and ordeine that two gentlemen, with sufficient companie of equall & like number, be committed and deputed, respectiuelie by the said kings for the keeping and suertie of the waies and watches, that shall be made continuallie during the assemblie of the said kings. The which gentlemen, with their companies, shall ordeine and depute explorators and spies in the vallies, forrests, woods, towns, burrowes, villages, castels, passages, and waies, and other places dangerous and suspect: from time to time, and houre to houre, as well towards Flanders, as Pi|cardie, Artois, & England, to exploit and watch there.

And if anie be found suspect, them to re|pulse and take awaie, to the end that not onelie the said princes, their gentlemen, and houshold seruants, maie suerlie and without feare visit the one the other, as said is; but also those that shall bring vit|tels necessarie to the said assemblie, maie without danger, trouble, impechement, or noisance go and come: the which explora|tors shall be bounden euerie daie in the morning and euening, to make report to the said princes or to their said councellors respectiuelie, of that which they found, and in what estate the waies be. We declare further and ordeine,Order for the [...] of [...] armes [...] [...]rrisons. that all men of armes and of warre, of the one and the other par|tie, shall not approch neerer than two iour|nies, to the place where the said interuiew shall be, except the retinue and men of war that be committed and deputed to keepe Bullongne and Calis: and that the same men of warre nor none other, during the assemblie of the said princes, shall not pre|sume to come neerer, vnlesse by the consent, accord, and licence of the said princes.

Item, we cardinall aboue said, by ex|presse authoritie and power to vs giuen, by these presents, bind the said princes to doo, fulfill, and accomplish, all and euerie things aboue said herein conteined. Final|lie,The last [...] of this [...]trument for [...] ratificati| [...] [...] the arti| [...]s therein [...]. we declare and ordeine, that ech of the said kings on his partie, shall ratifie, con|firme, and approoue all and euerie the chap|ters and articles aboue said, by their let|ters pattents sealed with their hands. And by the same letters of ratification they shall be bounden, to accomplish with good faith and word of a king, all and eue|rie the things aboue said: the which let|ters made, subscribed, and sealed, as is said, they shall giue the one the other, and shall change in the citie of London, within one moneth next after the date of these presents. Made the twelfe of March, the yeare of our Lord a thousand fiue hun|dred and nineteene.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The peeres of the realme receiuing letters to pre|pare themselues to attend the king in this iournie, and no apparant necessarie cause expressed, why nor wherefore; séemed to grudge, that such a costlie iour|nie should be taken in hand to their importunate charges and expenses, without consent of the whole boord of the councell. But namelie the duke of Buc|kingham, being a man of a loftie courage, but not most liberall, sore repined that he should be at so great charges for his furniture foorth at this time, saieng; that he knew not for what cause so much monie should be spent about the sight of a vaine talke to be had, and communication to be ministred of things of no importance. Wherefore he sticked not to saie, that it was an intollerable matter to o|beie such a vile and importunate person.

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