Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 On saturdaie the second of Maie, in this ninth yeare,Manie of the offendors in|dicted at Guildhall. all the commissioners, with the lord maior, al|dermen, and iustices, went to the Guildhall, where manie of the offendors were indicted, as well of the insurrection, as of the robberies by them committed against the truces. Herevpon they were arreigned, & pleading not guiltie, had day giuen till monday next insuing. On which daie being the fourth of Maie, the lord maior, the duke of Norffolke, the earle of Sur|rie and others came to sit in the Guildhall, to procéed in their oier and terminer as they were appointed. When the lords were set, the prisoners were brought through the stréets tied in ropes, some men, and some lads of thirtéene yéeres of age. Among them were diuerse not of the citie, some priests, some husband|men, and labourers.The whole number of the rebellious r [...]nt. The whole number amounted vnto two hundred thrée score and eightéene persons.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 This daie was Iohn Lincolne indicted as a prin|cipall procurer of this mischieuous insurrection, and therevpon hée was arreigned, and pleading not giltie, had daie giuen ouer till wednesdaie, or (as Hall saith) till thursday next insuing. He was charged with such matter (as before ye haue heard) concerning his sute vnto doctor Standish, and doctor Bele,What was laid to Lin|colnes charge for the reading of this bill in their sermons, and opening the matter (as before ye haue heard) all which matter with the circumstances he had confessed on sundaie the third of Maie, vnto sir Richard Cholmleie, sir Iohn Dansie, & sir Hugh Skeuington. Diuers other were indicted this mondaie, and so for that time the lords departed. The next daie the duke came againe, & the erle of Surrie with 2000 armed men, which kept the stréets. When the maior; the duke, the earles of Shrewesburie and Surrie were set, the prisoners were arreigned, and thirtéene found guiltie, and ad|iudged to be hanged, drawne, and quartered. For execution whereof were set vp eleuen paire of gal|lowes in diuerse places where the offenses were doone, as at Algate, at Blanchappelton,Eleuen paire of gallows e|rected for the executing of the rebels. Gratious stréete, Leaden hall, and before euerie counter one, also at Newgate, at saint Martins, at Aldersgate, and at Bishopsgate.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Then were the prisoners that were iudged brought to those places of execution: and executed in most ri|gorous maner, in the presence of the lord Edmund Howard son to the duke of Norffolke, & knight mar|shall, who shewed no mercie, but extreme crueltie to the poore yoonglings in their execution: Edw. Hall. in Hen. 8. fol. lxij. and likewise the dukes seruants spake manie opprobrious words, some bad hang, some bad draw, some bad set the citie on fire, but all was suffered. On thursdaie the se|uenth of Maie, was Lincolne, Shirwin, and two bre|thren called Bets, and diuerse other adiudged to die. Then Lincolne said, My lords, I meant well: for if you knew the mischiefe that is insued in this realme by strangers, you would remedie it, & manie times I haue complained, and then I was called a busie fel|low: now our Lord haue mercie on me. They were laid on hardels, & drawne to the standard in Cheape; and first was Iohn Lincolne executed.Iohn Lin|colne the au|thor of ill Maie daie executed in Cheape side. And as the other had the ropes about their neckes, there came a commandement from the king to respit the execu|tion. Then the people cried, God saue the king, and so was the oier and terminer deferred till another daie, and the prisoners sent againe to ward: the armed men departed out of London, and all things set in quiet.