Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The lord admerall offended with this proud part of the Frenchmen, in making such attempt on the English coasts,Sir Iohn Wallop in Normandie. sent sir Iohn Wallop to the sea with diuers ships, which sailing to the coasts of Nor|mandie, landed there, and burnt one and twentie vil|lages and townes, with diuerse ships in the hauen of Treaport, Staples, and other where. Men maruelled greatlie at the manfull dooings of sir Iohn Wallop, considering he had not past an eight hundred men, and tooke land there so often. In Iune sir Thomas Louell was sent ouer to Calis with six hundred men to strengthen that towne, and other the fortresses within the English pale, for doubt of anie sudden at|tempt to be made by the Frenchmen; bicause mon|sieur de Pontremie, with a mightie armie and great ordinance was come downe néere to Ard: howbeit be taried not long, but raised his campe within a while after his comming thither, and returned with|out anie more dooing. The French king perceiuing what losses he had susteined by the warres against England;The French king procu|reth the pope to be a meane for peace be|tweene king Henrie and him. and doubting least one euill lucke should still follow in the necke of an other, determined to make sute for peace; and first agr [...]eing with pope Leo, desired him to be a meane also for the procuring of some agréement betwixt him and the king of Eng|land.
¶This pope Leo, of that name the tenth, before his election, cardinall of Medicis, Abr. Fl. ex Guic. pag 633. Creation of pope Leo the tenth. bare but seauen and thirtie yeeres of age, which albeit was so much the more maruellous and wonderfull, by how much the election was contrarie to custome; yet the yong car|dinals were the principall causers of it by their in|dustrie, hauing long time afore secretlie agréed a|mongst themselues to create the first pope of their number. The most parts and nations of christen|dome reioised much at this election, euerie one in|terteining an assured expectation of his vertues, as EEBO page image 832 well by the present and gréene memorie of the valor of his late father, as for an vniuersall reputation that went of his owne inclinations and liberalities. To this estimation was ioined a generall opinion of his continencie and life not atteinted, togither with a gladsome hope, that by the example of his father he would be a furtherer of learning, and beare fauor to wits disposed to studie and knowledge. So that vnto these hopes was much helping the manner of the election, being made in his person sincerelie, and without simonie or suspicion of other corruption.
Coronation of pope Leo the tenth.The first act of this new pope was his coronati|on, which was represented according to the vsage of his predecessors in the church of saint Iohn de Late|ran. The pompe was so great both of his familie and his court, and also of the prelates and multitudes that were there, togither with the popular and vniuersall assemblies of people, that by the opinion and iudge|ment of men, the pride and maiestie of that action did farre surpasse all the celebrations doone in Rome since the tyrannies of the Goths and sauage nations. In this same solemnitie the Gonfalon of the church was caried by Alfonso de Este, who hauing obtei|ned a suspension of his censures & paines, was come to Rome, with great hope, that by the clemencie and facilitie of the pope, he should be able to compound for his affaires. The Gonfalon of the religion of Rhodes was borne by Iulio de Medicis mounted vpon a statelie courser armed at all points: by his nature he bare an inclination to the profession of armes; but by destinie he was drawen to the life ec|clesiastike, in which estate he maie serue as a wonder|full example of the variation of fortune.