These beasts were led with certeine men apparel|led like wild men, or woodhouses, their bodies, heads, faces, hands, and legs couered with gréene silke flos|shed: on either of the said antelop and lion sat a la|die richlie apparelled, the beasts were tied to the pa|geant with great chaines of gold, as horsses be in the cart. When the pageant rested before the quéene,The foure knights issue out of the pa|geant all ar|med. the forenamed foresters blew their horns, then the deuise or pageant opened on all sides, and out issued the foresaid foure knights armed at all peeces, euerie of them a speare in his hand on horssebacke with great plumes on their heads, their bases and trappers of cloth of gold, euerie of them his name embrodered on his base and trapper. On the other part with great noise aswell of trumpets as of drums entered into the field, the erle of Essex, the lord Thomas Howard with manie other cleane armed, their trappers and bases all of crimsin satin embrodered with branches of pomegranats of gold and posies; with manie a fresh gentleman riding before them, their footmen well apparelled: and so the iusts began and endured all that daie.
The morrow, being the thirtéenth of Februarie af|ter dinner, at time conuenient, the queene with the ladies repaired to sée the iusts, the trumpets soun|ded,Gorgeous shewes in apparell. and in came manie a noble man and gentleman richlie apparelled, taking vp their horsses; after whom followed certeine lords apparelled, they and their horsses in cloth of gold and russet tinsell: knights in cloth of gold and russet veluet; and a great number of gentlemen on foot in russet sattin and yellow, and yeomen in russet damaske and yellow, all the nether part of euerie mans hosen scarlet and yellow caps. Then came the king vnder a pauilion of cloth of gold and purple veluet embrodered,The king vn|der a pauilion of cloth of gold and purple veluet, &c. and powdered with H. and K. of fine gold, the compasse of the pauilion a|boue embrodered richlie, and valansed with flat gold, beaten in wire, with an imperiall crowne in the top of fine gold, his bases and trappers of cloth of gold, fretted with damaske gold, the trapper pendant to the taile. A crane and chafron of stéele, in the front of the chafron was a goodlie plume set full of musers or trembling spangles of gold. After followed his three aids, euerie of them vnder a pauilion of crimsin da|maske and purple, powdered with H. and K. of fine gold, valansed and fringed with gold of damaske: on the top of euerie pauilion a great K. of goldsmiths worke.
The number of the gentlemen and yeomen at|tending on foot, apparelled in russet and yellow,Sir Charles Brandon on horssebacke in a long robe of russet satt [...]re like a religi|ous person. was an hundred thréescore and eight. Then next these paui|lions came twelue children of honour, sitting euerie of them on a great courser richlie trapped and em|brodered in seuerall deuises and fashions, where lac|ked neither broderie nor goldsmiths worke, so that e|uerie child and horsse in deuise and fashion was con|trarie to other, which was goodlie to behold. Then on the contrarie part entered sir Charles Brandon, first on horssebacke in a long robe of russet sattin, like a recluse or religious person, and his horsse trapped in the same sute, without drum or noise of minstrelsie, putting a bill of petition to the quéene, the effect wher|of EEBO page image 808 was, that if it would please hir to licence him to run in hir presence, he would doo it gladlie; and if not, then he would depart as he came. After that his re|quest was granted, then he put off his said habit, and was armed at all péeces with rich bases and horsse also richlie trapped, and so did run his horsse to the tilt end, where diuerse men on foot apparelled in russet sattin waited on him.