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 Henrie the eight, sonne and successor to Henrie the seuenth.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 _AFter the death of the noble prince Henrie the sea|uenth, his sonne Henrie the eight began his reigne the two and twen|tith daie of Aprill in the yeare of the world 5475, after the birth of our sa|uiour 1509,1509 Anno Reg. 1. and in the eightéenth yeare of his age, in the sixtéenth yeare of Maximilian then being emperour, in the eleuenth yeare of Lewes the twelfe that then reigned in France, and in the twentith yeare of king Iames the fourth as then ruling ouer the Scots. Whose stile was proclamed by the sound of a trumpet in the citie of London,Henrie the [...]ight procla| [...] king. the thrée and twentith daie of the said moneth, with much gladnesse and reioising of the people. And the same daie he departed from his ma|nou [...] of Richmond, to the Tower of London, where he remained closelie and secret with his councell, till the funerals of his father were finished.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Polydor. Although this king now comming to the crowne, was but yoong (as before is said) yet hauing béene in his first yeares trained vp in learning, did for respect of his owne suertie and good gouernement of his people, prudentlie (by the aduise of his grandmoother the countesse of Richmond and Derbie) elect & choose foorth of the most wise and graue personages to be of his priuie councell, namelie such as he knew to be of his fathers right déere and familiar fréends, whose names were as followeth.Councellors to king Hen|rie the eight. William Warham arch|bishop of Canturburie and chancellor of England, Richard Fox bishop of Winchester, Thomas Ho|ward earle of Surrie, and treasuror of England, George Talbot earle of Shrewesburie, and lord ste|ward of the kings houshold, Charles Summerset lord chamberleine, sir Thomas Louell, sir Hen|rie W [...]at, doctor Thomas Ruthall, and sir Edward Poinings.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 These graue and wise councellors, fearing least such abundance of riches and welth as the king was now possessed of, might mooue his yoong yeares vn|to riotous forgetting of himselfe (for vnto no king at anie time before, was left greater or the like ri|ches,King Henries [...]hes. as well in readie coine, as in iewels and other mooueables, as was left to him by his father) they therefore his said councellors trauelled in such pru|dent sort with him, [...]is councel|l [...]s good [...]. that they got him to be present with them when they sat in councell; so to acquaint him with matters perteining to the politike gouern|ment of the realme, that by little and little he might applie himselfe to take vpon him the rule and admi|nistration of publike affaires, with the which at the first he could not well indure to be much troubled, be|ing rather inclined to follow such pleasant pastimes as his youthfull yoong yeares did more delite in, and therefore could be verie well contented, that other graue personages should take paines therein.

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