Omnia mortali mutantur lege creata[...]Nec se cognoscunt terrae veteribus annisExutas variam faciem per secula gentes.]
Compare 1577 edition: 1 But to returne to our owne storie. Shortlie after the departing of king Philip, the king of England began to suspect sir George Neuill lord of Abergauenie, and sir Thomas Greene of Greenes Norton as partakes in the beginning of the conspiracie with the earle of Suffolke; and so vpon that suspicion they EEBO page image 794 they were commanded to the Tower. But shortlie after, when they had béene tried and purged of that suspicion, he commanded them both to be set at liber|tie. But sir Thomas Gréene fell sicke before, and re|mained in the Tower, in hope to be restored to his health as well as to his libertie, but by death he was preuented. [And here bicause it is good to see the consent of histories in the report of accidents, it shall not be amisse to repeat the entier relation of a late writer stranger touching this casualtie which befell to king Philip, in such sort to be cast vpon the Eng|lish coasts; as also the promise of the said king to de|liuer the duke of Suffolke into the hands of king Henrie, with the cause (as it is supposed) why the king desired to haue him within his owne reach.
Abr. Fl. ex Guic. pag. 355. King Philip saileth out of Flanders in|to Spaine.¶King Philip was imbarked to saile out of Flan|ders into Spaine with a great armie by sea; and to reduce his going to a more facilitie and safetie (for he feared least his father in law by the aid of the French would hinder his passage) he practised the Spanish subtilties, and agréed with him to leaue vnto him the managing and policie of the most part of affaires, and that they shuld take in common the title of king of Spaine, according to the example in the queenes time: and lastlie, that the reuenues and tributes should be diuided in an order certeine & indifferent. By reason of which accord, his father in law, notwith|standing he was not assured of the obseruation, sent him into Flanders manie ships to furnish his voi|age: with the which, hauing imbarked his wife, and Ferdinand his second sonne, he tooke his course into Spaine with forward winds, which, within two dais turning cleane contrarie, after his nauie had runne a dangerous fortune,King Philip cast by casual|tie of sea vpon the coasts of England. and made a wearie resistance against the furie of the sea, his ships were cast vpon sundrie coasts of England and Britaine; his owne person with two or thrée ships being driuen with ma|nifest perill vpon England into the hauen of South|hampton.