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Compare 1577 edition: 1 These two were learned in the lawes of the realme, who meaning to satisfie their princes plea|sure, and to sée their commission executed to the vt|termost, séemed little to respect the perill that might insue. Wherevpon they being furnished with a sort of accusers, commonlie called promoters,Promoters or (as they themselues will be named) informers, troubled ma|nie a man, whereby they wan them great hatred, and the king (by such rigorous procéedings) lost the loue and fauour which the people before time had borne towards him; so that he for setting them a worke, and they for executing of it in such extreame wise, ran in|to obloquie with the subiects of this realme.

¶On the thirtéenth of Nouember was holden with|in the palace of the archbishop of Canturburie, Abr. Fl. ex I.S. pag. 876 Sergean [...]s feast whereat were the king and all his nobles at dinner. at Lambeth, the sergeants feast, where dined the king and all his nobles. And vpon the same day, Thomas Granger, newlie chosen shiriffe of London, was presented before the barons of the kings exchequer, there to take his oth, and after went with the maior vnto the same feast, which saued him monie in his pursse; for if that day that feast had not béene kept, he must haue feasted the maior, aldermen, and others, woorshipfull of the citie. This feast was kept at the charge of ten learned men, newlie admitted to bée sergeants to the kings law, whose names were, Ro|bert Bridnell, William Greuill, Thomas Marow, George Edgore, Iohn Moore, Iohn Cutler, Thomas Eliot, Lewes Pollard, Guie Palmis, William Fairesax. On the one and twentith of Nouember at night,Fire on Lon|don bridge. began a perillous fier at the signe of the pa|nier vpon London bridge, néere to saint Magnus church; where six tenements were burned yer the same could be quenched.Fire. On the seuenth of Ianua|rie, were certeine houses consumed with fire against saint Butolphes church in Thames street. On the fiue and twentith of Ianuarie began a parlement at Westminster,Parlement. of the which was chosen speaker for the commons, maister Edmund Dudleie.]

Compare 1577 edition: 1 A new coine of siluer was ordeined of grotes and half grotes, which bare but halfe faces; Anno reg 20. and some peeces of the value of twelue pense were then stamped EEBO page image 792 stamped, though very few of that sort came abroad. In this yeare, alum, which manie yeares had bene sold for six shillings an hundred and lower, arose to fiue nobles an hundred, and after foure marks, &c. Sir William Capell, who for this yeare was maior, caused in euerie ward of London a cage with a paire of stocks, therein to punish vagabunds. Also he caused all Hunsditch to be ouerpaued, which manie yeares before lay full noiouslie and perillouslie for all trauellers that way. About Christmas, the more part of the prisoners of the Marshalseie in Southwarke brake out, and manie of them being shortlie after taken, were put to execution, speciallie those which had laine for felonie or treason. On the sixteenth of Aprill, a monie maker, one of the coiners of the Tower, was drawne to Tiburne, and there hanged.

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