Compare 1577 edition: 1 Their message was for thrée causes, one to com|fort the king in his time of heauinesse for the losse of his wife. The second for the renewing of amitie, and the old league. The third (which was not apparant) w [...]s to mooue the king to marie the emperours daughter, [...]he ladie Margaret, duchesse Dowager of Sauoie. The two first tooke effect: for the king vpon Passion sundaie road to Paules in great triumph, the said marquesse riding on his left hand. And there the bishop made to the king an excellent consolatorie oration concerning the death of the quéene. And there also the king openlie sware to kéepe the new reui|ued league and amitie during their two liues. But the third request (whether the let was on the mans side, or on the womans) neuer sorted to anie con|clusion.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The ladie Margaret the kings daughter, affied (as yée haue heard) to the king of Scots, was appoin|ted to be conueied into Scotland, by the earle of Surrie: and the earle of Northumberland, as war|den of the marches, was commanded to deliuer hir at the confines of both the realmes. And so héere vp|on, after hir comming to Berwike, she was conuei|ed to Lamberton kirke in Scotland, where the king of Scots, with the flower of all the nobles and gen|tlemen of Scotland, was readie to receiue hir: to whome the earle of Northumberland (according to his commission) deliuered hir.The sumptu| [...]s araie of t [...]e earle of Northum|b [...]rland. The said earle of Nor|thumberland that daie, what for the riches of his coat being goldsmithes worke, garnished with pearle and stone, and what for the gallant apparell of his Henchmen, and braue trappers of his horsse, beside foure hundred tall men well horssed and apparelled in his colours, was estéemed both of the Scots and Englishmen more like a prince than a subiect.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The mariage [...] the [...] of S [...]ts [...] Mar|garet king Henries el|dest daughter.From Lamberton, the foresaid ladie was con|ueied to Edenburgh, and there the daie after, king Iames the fourth, in the presence of all his nobilitie, espoused hir, and feasted the English lords, and shew|ed iusts and other pastimes verie honourablie, after the fashion of that countrie. And after all things were finished according to their commission, the erle of Surrie with all the English lords and ladies re|turned into their countrie. Anno Reg. 19. In this yeare the king kept his high court of parlement, in the which di|uerse acts estéemed necessarie for the preseruation of the common-wealth were established: and amongst other, it was enacted, that théeues and murtherers duelie conuicted by the law to die, and yet saued by their books, should be committed to the bishops custo|die. After this, a subsidie was granted, both of the temporaltie, and spiritualtie, and so that parlement ended.