Compare 1577 edition: 1 And for that intent he wrote vnto pope Alexan|der, desiring him by his authoritie to adiudge all Englishmen, being fled to sanctuarie for the offense of treason as enimies to the christian faith, interdic|ting and prohibiting the refuge and priuilege of san|ctuarie to all such, as once had enioied the libertie and protection of the same, and after that fled out, and eftsoones returned againe. Which thing after that the pope had granted, [...] restrained. turned to the great quietnesse of the king and his realme. For manie that had of|fended, for feare to fall into danger, returned to the due subiection of their prince; and other that were yet frée from perill, durst not hazard themselues so boldlie as they durst haue doone before, vpon hope of such starting holes.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 When the king had thus setled things to his owne contentation and pleasure, there suddenlie happened to him a lamentable chance. For that noble prince Arthur, the kings first begotten sonne, after he had béene maried to the ladie Katharine his wife,The death of Arthur prince of Wales. the space of fiue moneths, departed out of this transito|rie life, in his castell of Ludlow, and with great fune|rall obsequie was buried in the cathedrall church of Worcester. His brother the duke of Yorke was stai|ed from the title of Prince by the space of a moneth, till to women it might appeare whether the ladie Ka|tharine wife to the said prince Arthur was conceiued with child or not. [It is reported that this ladie Ka|tharine thought and feared such dolorous chance to come: for when she had imbraced hir father, Edw. Hall i [...] Hen. 7. fol. [...]. and ta|ken hir leaue of hir noble and prudent mother, and sailed towards England, she was continuallie so tossed and tumbled hither and thither with boisterous winds, that what for the rage of the water, and con|trarietie of the winds, hir ship was prohibited di|uerse times to approach the shore and take land.]
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 In this eightéenth yeare, the twentie fourth daie of Ianuarie, Anno Reg. 1 [...] 1503 a quarter of an houre afore three of the clocke at after noone of the same daie, the first stone of our ladie chapell within the monasterie of West|minster was laid,King Henrie the seauenth [...] chapell at Westminster first builded. by the hands of Iohn Islip abbat of the same monasterie, sir Reginald Braie knight of the garter, doctor Barnes maister of the rolles, doctor Wall chapleine to the kings maiestie, mai|ster Hugh Oldham chapleine to the countesse of Darbie and Richmond the kings mother, sir Ed|ward Stanhope knight, and diuerse others. Upon the same stone was this scripture ingrauen: Illustris|simus Henricus septimus rex Angliae & Franciae, & domi|nus Hiberniae, posuit hanc petram in honore beatae virginis Mariae, 24. die Ianuarij; anno Domini 1502. Et anno dicti regis Henrici septimi, decimo octauo. The charges whereof amounted (as some report, vpon credible informati|on as they saie) to fouretéene thousand pounds.