Compare 1577 edition: 1 But to speake of all the solemne pompe, noble companie of lords and ladies, and what a sumptuous feast and plentifull was kept, with dansing and dis|guisings, words might sooner faile than matter wor|thie of rehearsall. Howbeit euerie daie endeth and night insueth, and so when night was come, the prince and his beautifull bride were brought and ioined to|gither in one bed, where they laie as man and wife all that night. ¶ Now when the morning appéered, the prince (as his familiar seruitors, Edw. Hall fol. liij. which had then nei|ther cause nor reward to lie or faine, openlie told the tale) called for drinke, which he before times was not accustomed to doo. At which thing one of his chamber|leines maruelling, asked the cause of his drouth. To whome the prince answered merilie, saieng; I haue this night béene in the middest of Spaine, which is a hot region, and that iournie maketh me so drie: and if thou haddest béene vnder that hot climat, thou wouldest haue béene drier than I.]
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Shortlie after the king and the quéene, with the new wedded spouses went from Bainards castell by water to Westminster, on whom the maior and com|munaltie of London in barges gorgeouslie trim|med gaue their attendance. And there in the palace were such martiall feats, valiant iusts, vigorous tur|neis, and such fierce fight at the barriers, as before that time was of no man had in remembrance. Of this roiall triumph lord Edward duke of Bucking|ham was chiefe chalenger, and lord Thomas Greie marquesse Dorset chiefe defender, which with their aids and companions bare themselues so valiantlie, that they got great praise and honour, both of the Spaniards, and of their owne countriemen. Du|ring the time of these iusts and triumphs, were recei|ued into London, an earle, a bishop, and diuerse no|ble personages sent from the king of Scots into England, for conclusion of the mariage betwéene the ladie Margaret and him; which earle by proxie,Margaret el|dest daughte [...] to king Hen|rie affied to Iames king of Scots. in the name of king Iames his maister, affied and contrac|ted the said ladie. Which affiance was published at Paules crosse, the daie of the conuersion of saint Paule: in reioising whereof Te Deum was soong, and great fiers made through the citie of London.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 These things being accomplished, the ambassadors as well of Spaine as Scotland tooke their leaue of the king, & not without great rewards returned into their countries. When the ambassadors were depar| [...]ed,Prince Ar|thur is sent into Wales. he sent his sonne prince Arthur againe into Wales, to keepe that countrie in good order; appoin|ting to him wise and expert councellors, as sir Ri|chard Poole his kinsman, which was his chiefe cham|berleine, also sir Henrie Uernon, sir Richard Crofts, sir Dauid Philip, sir William Udall, sir Thomas Englefield, sir Peter Newton knights; Iohn Wal|leston, Henrie Marion, & doctor William Smith, president of his councell, and doctor Charles; of the which two doctors, the one was after bishop of Lin|colne, and the other bishop of Hereford.