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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 Among other articles of the mariage concluded with the Scotish king this was one, that no English men should be receiued into Scotland without let|ters commendatorie of their souereigne lord, or safe conduct of his warden of the marches; and the same prohibition was in like maner giuen to the Scots. This yeare the ladie Katharine of Spaine was sent by hir father king Ferdinando with a puissant nauie of ships into England, Anno Reg 1 [...]. where she arriued in the ha|uen of Plimmouth the second daie of October then being saturdaie.The fourth [...] October as Stow hath noted. Upon the twelfe of Nouember she was conueied from Lambeth through London with all triumph and honour that might be deuised to the bishops palace, the stréets being hanged, and page|ants erected after the maner as is vsed at a corona|tion: which solemnitie Edward Hall describeth with the sumptuous shewes then glistering in the behol|ders eies.

¶ I passe ouer (saith he) the wise deuises, Abr. Flem. ex Edw. Hall fol. liij. the pru|dent spéeches, the costlie works, the cunning portra|tures, practised and set foorth in seuen goodlie beauti|full pageants, erected and set vp in diuerse places of the citie. I leaue also the goodlie ballades, the swéet harmonie, the musicall instruments, which sounded with heauenlie noise on euerie side of the streets. I o|mit further, the costlie apparell both of goldsmiths worke and imbroderie, the rich iewels, the massie chaines, the stirring horsses, the beautifull bards and the glittering trappers, both with belles and spangels of gold. I pretermit also the rich apparell of the prin|cesse, the strange fashion of the Spanish nation, the beautie of the English ladies, the goodlie demeanure of the yoong damosels, the amorous countenance of the lustie bachelers. I passe ouer also the fine ingrai|ned clothes, the costlie furs of the citizens, standing EEBO page image 789 on scaffolds, raised from Gracechurch to Paules. What should I speake of the odoriferous scarlets, the fine veluets, the pleasant furres, the massie chaines, which the maior of London with the senat, sitting on horssebacke at the little conduit in Cheape, ware on their bodies and about their necks? I will not speake of the rich arras, the costlie tapestrie, the fine clothes both of gold and siluer, the curious veluets, the beau|tifull satte [...]s, nor the pleasant silkes which did hang in euerie street where she passed, the wine that ran continuallie out of the conduits, and the graueling of the stréets néedeth not to be remembred.]

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Whilest this ladie soiourned for hir recreation in the bishops palace of London, being in the meane time visited of the king, the quéene, and the kings mother, there was erected in the bodie of S. Paules church a long bridge made of timber, extending from the west doore of the church to the step at the entring into the queere, which was six foot from the ground. On the said bridge or stage, euen directlie before the consistorie of the church was a place raised like a mount for eight persons to stand vpon, compassed round about with steps to ascend and descend, which was couered with fine red worsted, and in likewise were all the railes of the said stage. On the north side of this mount was a place decked and trimmed for the king and quéene, and such other as they appointed to haue. On the south side of the same mount stood the maior and the magistrates of the citie.

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