Compare 1577 edition: 1 The king, whether to auoid the danger of so great and perilous sickenesse, then raging, or to take occa|sion to commen with the duke of Burgognie, did personallie take his ship at Douer in the beginning of Maie,King Henrie the seuenth [...]aileth to Ca|lis. and sailed to Calis, whither the duke of Burgognie sent to him honourable personages in ambassage to welcome him into those parties, and to declare that the said duke would gladlie repair [...] personallie to his presence with such a number as the king should appoint, so that it were within no walled towne nor fortresse. For hauing denied the French king to enter into anie of his fortresses to talke with him, he would be loth now to giue a presi|dent to him to desire the like méeting. The king in|terteining the ambassadours, and thanking the duke of his courteous offer, appointed the place at saint Peters church without Calis.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Upon tuesdaie in Whitsunweeke the archd [...]ke Phi|lip came thither with a conuenient companie.The king of England and the duke of Burgognie méet at saint Peters church with|out Calis. Abr. Fl. ex Edw. Hall in Hen. 7. fol. lij. The king and the queene with manie a lustie lord and la|die rode thither to welcome him. [And when the king approched, the duke at his lighting offered to hold his stirrupe, which the king in no wise would suffer to be doone. When the king was descended from his horsse, he and the archduke imbraced each other with most princelie familiaritie, and then the quéene and all the nobls saluted him.] And after most louing intertein|ments, bankettings, mirth, and pastime shewed a|mongest them, there was communication of marri|ages, treating of further strengthening of leagues, requests of tolles in Flanders to be minished: with manie other things touching the commoditie and traffike of both their countries. And when all things were set in order, the two princes tooke their leaue, and departed; the king to Calis, and the archduke to S. Omers. After his departing, there came as am|bassadors from the French king, the lord Gronthouse gouernour of Picardie, and the lord Meruelliers bailiffe of Amiens, which declared to the king the get|ting of Millaine and taking of the duke. The king highlie feasted them, and rewarded them princelie at their departing.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Anno Reg. 16.Soone after, when the death was slaked, the king returned againe into England about the end of Iune. Shortlie after there came to him one Gasper Pons a Spaniard, a man of excellent learning and most ciuill behauiour, sent from Alexander the bishop of Rome to distribute the heauenlie grace (as he ter|med it) to all such as (letted by anie forceable impedi|ment) could not come to Rome that yeare to the Iu|bile,A yeare of Iubile. which was there celebrate, being the yeare after the birth of our Sauiour, 1500. This beneuolent li|beralitie was not altogither fréeli [...] giuen. For Alex|ander looking to the health of mens soulesPope Alexan|der maketh profit of his great pardon or heauenlie grace, as he termeth it. thought to doo somewhat for his owne priuat commoditie, & therefore he set a certeine price of that his grace and pardon. And to the end that the king should not hin|der his purpose, he offered part of his gaines to the king.