Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 At the kings approching to the towne of Taun|ton, he sent before him Robert lord Brooke lord ste|ward of his house, Giles lord Daubeneie his chiefe cham [...]erleine, and sir Rice ap Thomas. But as soone as Perkin was informed that his enimies were rea|die to giue him battell, he that nothing lesse minded than to fight in open field with the kings puissance, dissembled all the daie time with his companie, as though nothing could make him afraid: and about midnight,Perkin fléeth and taketh Braudlie sanctuarie. accompanied with thrée score horssemen, he departed from Taunton in post to a sanctuarie towne beside Southampton, called Beaudlie, & there he and Iohn Heron with other registred themselues as persons priuileged. When as king Henrie knew that Perkin was thus fled, he sent after him the lord Daubeneie with fiue hundred horssemen toward the sea side, to apprehend him before he should get away. Although Perkin escaped (as I haue said) vnto sanc|tuarie, yet manie of his chiefe capteins were taken and presented to the king.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 Also the horssemen that were sent, without anie stop or staie came to saint Michaels mount, and there (as chance was) found the ladie Katharine Gor|don wife to Perkin,The beauti|full ladie ka|tharine (Per|kins wife) presented to the king. and brought hir streight to the king. At whose beautie and amiable countenance the king much maruelled, and thought hir a preie more meet for a prince, than for the meane souldiers, and sent hir incontinentlie vnto London to the queene, accompanied with a sort of sage matrones and gentlewomen, bicause she was but yoong. The common people that had followed Perkin, after that their chéefeteine was fled, threw awaie their armour as people amazed, and submitted themselues to the king, humblie beséeching him of mercie, which he most gentlie granted, and receiued them to his fa|uour. After this the king road to Excester, and there not onelie commended the citizens, but also hartilie thanked them for dooing so well their duties in defen|ding their citie from their enimies. He also put there to execution diuerse Cornishmen, which were the au|thors and principall beginners of this new conspira|cie and insurrection. Neuerthelesse, he vsed maruel|lous clemencie also in pardoning a great number of the rebels.
¶For when king Henrie was come to Excester with a great armie, Iohn Hooker, aliàs Vowell. mooued therevnto (as you haue heard) by reason of the rebellion of Perkin War|becke, who was fled before the kings comming, he staied a few daies about the examination of the said rebellion, and the executing of the chiefe and princi|pall capteins. In the end, the multitude of the offen|dors being great,All Perkins partakers in their shirts with halters about their necks app [...] before the king and most humblie crauing for par|don, the king caused them all to be assembled in the churchyard of saint Peters, where they all appeared bare headed, in their shirts, and with halters about their necks. His grace was then lodged in the trea|surors house, lieng fast vpon the churchyard, and out of a faire and large window (made for the purpose) he tooke the view of them, who shouted and cried out for pardon. At length, when the king had paused, hee made a speach vnto them, exhorting them to obedi|ence, and in hope he should thencefoorth find them du|tifull, he pardoned them all: whereat they all made a great sh [...]ut, gaue the king thanks, and hurled a|waie their halters. Yet neuerthelesse, some returned againe, and ioined themselues with the Cornish peo|ple, which had not all submitted themselues, nor sought for pardon.]