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Compare 1577 edition: 1 In the meane season the king of Scots, percei|uing that the Englishmen would shortlie go about to reuenge the iniuries doone to them by him and his people, assembled eftsoones a puissant armie, The king of England and Scotlãd pre|pare for mu|tuall warre. that he might either defend his realme against the English power, attempting to inuade his countrie, or else a|fresh to enter into the English borders. And thus these two mightie princes minded nothing more than the one to indamage the other. But the king of England would not deferre one houre by (his good will) till he were reuenged, and therefore prepared a mightie armie to inuade Scotland, and ordeined for chéefteine thereof the lord Daubeneie. But as this armie was assembled, and that the lord Daubenie was forward on his iournie towards Scotland, he was suddenlie staid and called backe againe, by rea|son of a new commotion begun by the Cornishmen for the paiment of the subsidie which was granted at the last parlement.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 These vnrulie people the Cornishmen,A rebellion in Cornewall for the paiment of a subsidie. inhabiting in a barren countrie and vnfruitfull, at the first sore repined that they should be so greeuouslie taxed, and burdened the kings councell as the onelie cause of such polling and pilling: and so being in their rage, menaced the chéefe authors with death and present destruction. And thus being in a rose, two persons of the same affinitie, the one called Thomas Flam|mocke, a gentleman,The two cap|teins in this commotion. learned in the lawes of the realme; and the other Michaell Ioseph, a smith, men of stout stomachs and high courages, tooke vpon them to be capteins of this seditious companie. They laid the fault and cause of this exaction vnto Iohn Morton archbishop of Canturburie, and to sir Regi|nald Braie; bicause they were cheefe of the kings councell. Such rewards haue they commonlie that be in great authoritie with kings and princes.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The capteins Flammocke and Ioseph exhorted the common people to put on harnesse, and not to be afeard to follow them in that quarrell, promising not to hurt anie creature, but onelie to sée them punish|ed that procured such exactions to be laid on the peo|ple, without anie reasonable cause, as vnder the co|lour of a little trouble with the Scots, which (sith they were withdrawne home) they tooke to be well quieted and appeased. So these capteins bent on mischeefe, (were their outward pretense neuer so finelie colou|red) persuaded a great number of people to assemble togither, and condescended to doo as their capteins would agrée and appoint. Then these capteins prai|sing much the hardines of the people, when all things were readie for their infortunate iournie, set for|ward with their armie, and came to Taunton,The prouos [...] of Perin slaine by the rebels. where they slue the prouost of Perin, which was one of the commissioners of the subsidie, and from thence came to Welles, so intending to go to London, where the king then soiourned.

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