Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The malici|ous and foolish words of the lord Cordes.And the night following, the enuious lord Cordes (which so sore longed for Calis, that he would com|monlie saie, that he could be content to lie seuen yeares in hell, so that Calis were in possession of the Frenchmen) brake vp his siege, and returned to Hel|ding with shame. And the Englishmen glad of this victorie returned to Calis.Iames king of Scots slaine by his [...]wne subiects. This yeare Iames the third of that name king of Scots was slaine by his owne subiects, after they had vanquished him in a pigh [...] field. About the same time one Adrian an Ita|lian was sent in ambassage from pope Innocent the eight into Scotland, to haue taken vp the variance betwixt the king there and his people. But being ar|riued here in England, he was informed that king Iames was slaine, and therfore taried here certeine moneths.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 And for that he was a man of excellent learning, vertue, and humanitie, the archbishop of Can|turburie Iohn Morton so commended him to the king,Adrian an I|talian made bishop of He|reford, and af|ter of Bath and Welles. that he made him first bishop of Hereford, and shortlie after, that resigned and giuen ouer, he pro|moted him to the bishoprike of Bath and Welles. And after that with these honors he was returned to Rome, he was aduanced by all the degrées of spiri|tuall dignities into the college of the cardinals. And wor [...]hie sure he was of great preferment, for by his meanes, learned men were mooued to séeke out the vse of eloquent writing and speaking in the Latine toong, he being the first in the time of our fathers that taught the trade to choose and vse apt words and fit termes.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 1490 Anno Reg. 6.In the sixt yeare of king Henries reigne there came ambassadors to him from the French king the lord Francis of Lutzenburgh,Ambassadors from ye Frẽch king to the king of Eng|land. Charles Marignane, and Robert Gaguine minister of the Bonnehom|mes of the trinitie. The effect of their comming was to haue concluded a peace with king Henrie, and that with good will the French king might dispose of the mariage of the yoong duchesse of Britaine, as he should thinke good; and to make void the contract and former mariage, which by proxie the deputie of Maxi|milian king of Romans had before time contracted & made with hir. But thereto would not king Henrie giue his consent, euer harping on this string, that the maiden being once lawfullie combined in matrimo|nie with Maximilian, ought not to be compelled a|gainst hir will and promise (yea and contrarie to all law, right and equitie) to take anie other person than him to hir spouse and husband.