Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The earle foorthwith signified to the king all that matter, and the king not willing to pardon them of anie one penie (least the example might doo hurt by incouraging others to shew the like stubbornes in o|ther parts of the realme) cõmanded the earle either by distresse or otherwise, to leuie the monie as he should thinke most meet. The rude and beastlie people hea|ring of this answer from the king, by and by with great violence set vpon the earle by the exciting of a simple fellow named Iohn a Chamber,The earle of Northumber|land murthe|red by the northerne re|bels at the in|stigation and setting on of Iohn a Chamber. whome the erle with faire words sought to appease. But they like vnreasonable villaines, alledging all the fault to be in him, as chiefe author of the tax, furiouslie and cru|ellie murthered both him and diuerse of his houshold seruants. Diuerse affirme that the Northerne men bare against this earle continuall grudge euer since the death of king Richard, whome they entirelie fa|uoured.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Although this offense was great and heinous; yet there succéeded a more mischiefe:A rebellion in the north for a tax granted by parlement. for incontinent|lie (to cloke this presumptuous murther) the Nor|therne men got them to armour, and assembling to|gither, chose them a capteine, no lesse seditious than desirous of trouble,Sir Iohn E|gremond cap|teine rebell. called sir Iohn Egremond knight; and passing by the countries, they published and declared that they would bid the king battell on|lie in defense of their liberties & common fréedome, of the which he went about to beereaue them. But when the matter should come to be tried with blowes, their harts so fainted that they scattered a|waie, euerie man séeking to saue himselfe by flight: but that little auailed them.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 For the king hearing of this businesse, sent foorth Thomas earle of Surreie (whome not long before he had deliuered out of the Tower,Thomas erle of Surrie sent with a power against the north rebels. and receiued to his speciall fauour) with a crue of men, to chastise those rebels of the north parts, who skirmished with a cer|teine companie of them, and them discomfited, and tooke aliue Iohn a Chamber, the first beginner of this rebellion. The king himselfe road after into Yorkeshire, of whose comming the sturdie rebels were so abashed and afraid, that they fled more and lesse: which afterward were apprehended, and puni|shed EEBO page image 770 according to their demerits. Yet the king of his clemencie pardoned the innocent people, and ex|ecuted the chiefe procurers.Iohn a Chã|ber hanged like an arch|traitor. For Iohn a Chamber was hanged at Yorke on a gibbet set vpon a square paire of gallowes like an archtraitor, and his com|plices and lowd disciples were hanged on the lower gallowes round about their maister, to the terrible example of other.