Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Amongst other such monsters and limmes of the diuell,Sir Richard Simond a fraudulent preest. there was one sir Richard Simond preest, a man of base birth, and yet well learned, but not so learned as wilie, nor so wilie as vngratious, delight|ing in fraud & deceit, euen from his youth. He had a scholer called Lambert Simenell, one of a gentle nature and pregnant wit,Lambert Simenell the counterfeit earle of War|w [...]ke. to be the organe and chéefe instrument, by the which he might conueie and bring to passe his mischéeuous attempt. The diuell chéefe master of such practises, put in the venemous braine of this disloiall and traitorous préest, to deuise how he might make his scholer the foresaid Lambert to be reputed as right inheritour to the crowne of this realme: namelie, for that the fame went that king Edwards children were not dead, but fled secretlie into some strange place, and there to be liuing: and that Edward earle of Warwike, sonne and heire to the duke of Clarence, either was, or shortlie should be put to death.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 These rumors though they séemed not to be groun|ded of anie likelihood to the wiser sort of men, yet in|couraged this péeuish priest to thinke the time come, that his scholer Lambert might take vpon him the person and name of one of king Edwards children. And herevpon at Oxford, where their abiding was, the said préest instructed his pupill both with prince|lie behauiour, ciuill maners, and good literature, de|claring to him of what linage he should affirme him|selfe to be descended, and omitted nothing that might serue for his purpose. Soone after, the rumor was blowne abroad, that the earle of Warwike was bro|ken out of prison. And when the préest sir Richard Si|mond heard of this, he streight intended now by that occasion to bring his inuented purpose to passe, and changing the childes name of baptisme, called him Edward, after the name of the yoong earle of War|wike, the which were both of like yeares, and of like stature.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Then he with his scholer sailed into Ireland, where he so set foorth the matter vnto the nobilitie of that countrie,Thomas Ge|rardine chan|cellor of Ire|land intertei|neth the coun|terfeit earle [...] hono|rabl [...]. that not onelie the lord Thomas Gerar|dine chancellor of that land deceiued through his craf|tie tale, receiued the counterfeit earle into his castell with all honour and reuerence; but also manie other noble men determined to aid him (with all their pow|ers) as one descended of the bloud roiall, and lineal|lie come of the house of Yorke, which the Irish people euermore highlie fauoured, honoured, and loued a|boue all other. By this meanes euerie man through|out all Ireland was willing and readie to take his part, and to submit themselues to him; alreadie re|puting and calling him of all hands king. So that now they of this sect (by the aduise of the préest) sent into England certeine priuie messengers to get fréends héere.