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Compare 1577 edition: 1 At this verie season, Iohn Morton bishop of Elie, and Christopher Urswike priest, and an other compa|nie of noble men soiourned in Flanders; and by let|ters and messengers procured manie enimies a|gainst king Richard, which vsing a vigilant eie, and a quicke remembrance, being newlie come to Salis|burie, hauing perfect notice and knowledge how the duke was sled, and how his complices intended to passe out of the realme; first he sent men of warre to all the next ports and passages, to kéepe streictlie the sea coast, so that no person should passe outward, nor take land within the realme without their assent and knowledge;A proclama| [...]o [...] for the a [...]prehension of the duke of Buckinghã with large re|w [...]rds to the apprehendor. secondarilie he made proclamati|on, that what person could shew and reueale where the duke of Buckingham was, should be highlie re|warded; if he were a bondman, he should be infran|chised and set at libertie; if he were of frée bloud, he should haue a generall pardon, and be rewarded with a thousand pounds.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Furthermore, bicause he vnderstood by Thomas Hutton, which (as you haue heard) was newlie retur|ned out of Britaine, that Francis duke of Britaine not onelie refused to kéepe the earle of Richmond as a prisoner, at his contemplation, and for his sake; but also that he was readie to aid and succour the said earle, with men, monie, and all things necessarie for his transporting into England: he therefore rigged and sent out ships of warre, well furnished and dec|ked with men and artillerie,K. Richard sendeth foorth a name to [...]c [...]wre the sea ouer a|gainst Bri|taine. to scowre and kéepe that part of the sea that lieth ouer against Britaine, to the intent that if the earle of Richmond would aduen|ture to saile toward England, either he should be ta|ken captiue, or be beaten and driuen from the coast of England. And moreouer, to the intent that euerie coast, waie, passage, and corner, should be diligentlie watched & kept, he set at euerie doubtfull and suspec|ted place men of warre, to séeke, search, and inquire, if anie creature could tell tidings of the duke of Buc|kingham; or of anie or his confederation, adherents, fautors or partakers.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 While this busie search was diligentlie applied and put in execution,Humfrie Ba|naster seruant vnto the duke of Bucking|ham betraied his maister. Humfreie Banaster (were it more for feare of life and losse of goods, or allured & prouo|ked by the auaricious desire of the thousand pounds) he bewraied his guest and maister to Iohn Mitton then shiriffe of Shropshire; which suddenlie with a strong power of men in harnesse apprehended the duke in a little groue adioining to the mansion of Humfreie Banaster, and in great hast and euill speed conueied him apparelled in a pilled blacke cloake to the towne of Shrewesburie, where king Richard then kept his houshold. Whether this Banaster be|wraied the duke more for feare than couetous,Gods secret [...]gement [...] vpon Bana|ster and his children after th [...] duke was apprehended. ma|nie men doo doubt: but sure it is, that shortlie after he had betraied the duke his master; his sonne and heire waxed mad, & so died in a bores stie; his eldest daugh|ter of excellent beautie, was suddenlie striken with a foule leprosie; his second sonne maruellouslie defor|med of his lims, and made lame; his yoonger sonne in a small puddle was strangled and drowned; and he being of extreame age, arreigned, and found guiltie of a murther, and by his cleargie saued. And as for his thousand pounds, K. Richard gaue him not one farthing, saieng that he which would be vntrue to so good a maister, would be false to all other: howbeit some saie that he had a small office or a farme to stop his mouth withall. The duke being by certeine of the kings councell diligentlie vpon interrogatories ex|amined, what things he knew preiudiciall vnto the kings person, opened and declared franklie and frée|lie all the coniuration, without dissembling or glo|sing; trusting, bicause he had trulie and plainelie re|uealed and confessed all things that were of him re|quired, that he should haue licence to speake to the king: which (whether it were to sue for pardon and grace, or whether he being brought to his presence, would haue sticked him with a dagger as men then iudged) he sore desired and required. But when he had confessed the whole fact & conspiracie,The duke of Buckingh [...] beheaded with out arreig [...] or iudgeme [...] vpon All soules daie, without arreigment or iudgement, he was at Salisburie in the open market place, on a new scaffold beheaded and put to death.

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