Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 But lord how he reioised, to thinke how that by this marriage the linages of Yorke and Lancaster should be conioined in one, to the verie stedfastnesse EEBO page image 741 of the publike wealth of this realme. And least the dukes courage should swage, or his mind should a|gaine alter, as it did often before (as you may easilie perceiue by his owne tale) he thought to set vp all the sailes that he had, to the intent that the ship of his pretended purpose might come shortlie to some sure port,The motion for the con|iunction of the two houses of Lancaster & Yorke (deui|sed by ye duke) furthered. and said to the duke: My lord, sith by Gods prouision and your incomparable wisedome and po|licie, this noble coniunction is first mooued, now is it conuenient, yea and necessarie, to consider what personages, and what fréends we shall first make priuie of this high deuise and politike conclusion: [which is not rashlie & without aduisement to be ad|uentured, for therin is danger, as the wiseman saith:
Semper habet damnum mentis temerarius ardor.]
Compare 1577 edition: 1 By my truth, quoth the duke, we will begin with the ladie Richmond, the earles mother, which know|eth where he is, either in captiuitie, or at large in Bri|taine. For I heard saie, that the duke of Britaine re|stored him to libertie, immediatlie after the death of king Edward, by whose means he was restreined. Sith you will begin that waie (said the bishop) I haue an old fréend with the countesse, a man sober, se|cret, and well witted, called Reginald Braie; whose prudent policie I haue knowne to haue compassed things of great importance, for whome I shall se|cretlie send, if it be your pleasure; and I doubt not but he will gladlie come and that with a good will. So with a little diligence the bishop wrote a letter to Reginald Braie, requiring him to come to Breck|nocke with speed, for great and vrgent causes tou|ching his mistresse: and no other thing was declared in the letter. So the messenger rode into Lancashire where Braie was with the countesse, and lord Tho|mas Stanlie hir husband, and deliuered the letter: which when he had read, he tooke it as a signe or pre|sage of some good fortune to come.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Then he (with the messenger) came to the castell of Brecknocke, where the duke and the bishop decla|red what thing was deuised, both for to set the relme in a quiet stedfastnesse, as also for the high prefer|ment of the earle of Richmond, sonne to his ladie and mistresse: willing hir first to compasse how to obteine the good will of quéene Elizabeth, and also of hir eldest daughter bearing the same name: and af|ter secretlie to send to hir sonne into Britaine, to de|clare what high honor was prepared for him, if he would sweare to marrie the ladie Elizabeth assoone as he was king, and in roiall possession of the relme. Reginald Braie with a glad heart, forgetting no|thing giuen to him in charge, in great hast and with good spéed returned to the countesse his ladie and mistresse.