Compare 1577 edition: 1 For when he was once crowned king, and in full possession of the whole realme,The princi|pall cause why the duke of Buckingham cõceiued such inward grudge a|gainst king Richard. he cast awaie his old conditions as the adder dooth hir skin, verifieng the old prouerbe; Honours change manners, as the pa|rish preest remembreth that he was neuer parish clearke. For when I myselfe sued vnto him for my part of the earle of Herefords lands which his brother king Edward wrongfullie deteined and withheld from me; and also required to haue the office of the high constableship of England, as diuerse of my no|ble ancestors before this time haue had, and in long descent continued: in this my first sute shewing his good mind toward me; he did not onelie first delaie me, and afterward denaie me, but gaue me such vn|kind words, with such tawnts & retawnts, ye in man|ner checke and checkemate, to the vttermost proofe of my patience: as though I had neuer furthered him, but hindered him; as though I had put him downe, and not set him vp.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Yet all these ingratitudes and vndeserued vn|kindnesses I bare closelie, & suffered patientlie, and couertlie remembred, outwardlie dissembling that I inwardlie thought: and so with a painted counte|nance, I passed the last summer in his last compa|nie, not without manie faire promises, but without anie good déeds. But when I was crediblie informed of the death of the two yoong innocents, his owne naturall nephues contrarie to his faith and promise, to the which (God be my iudge) I neuer agreed, nor condescended; O Lord, how my veines panted, how my bodie trembled, and how my heart inwardlie grudged! insomuch that I so abhorred the sight, and much more the companie of him, that I could no longer abide in his court, except I should be openlie reuenged: the end whereof was doubtfull. And so I feined a cause to depart, and with a merrie counte|nance and a despitefull heart I tooke my leaue hum|blie of him (he thinking nothing lesse than that I was displeased) and so returned to Brecknocke to you.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 But in that iournie (as I returned) whither it were by the inspiration of the Holie-ghost,The imagi|nations of the duke of Buckingham to depriue K. Richard. or by melan|cholious disposition, I had diuerse and sundrie imagi|nations how to depriue this vnnaturall vncle, and bloudie butcher, from his roiall seat, and princelie dignitie. First I santised, that if I list to take vpon me the crowne, and imperiall scepter of the realme, now was the time propice and conuenient. For now was the waie made plaine, and the gate opened, and occasion giuen: which now neglected, should perad|uenture neuer take such effect and conclusion. For I saw he was disdeined of the lords temporall, abhored and accurssed of the lords spirituall, detested of all gentlemen, and despised of all the communaltie: so that I saw my chance as perfectlie as I saw mine owne image in a glasse, that there was no person (if I had béene gréedie to attempt the enterprise) could nor should haue woone the ring, or got the gole before me. And on this point I rested in imagination se|cretlie with my selfe two daies at Tewkesburie.