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Compare 1577 edition: 1 Then rode sir Iames in great hast to king Ri|chard, and shewed him all the maner of the murther; who gaue him great thanks, and (as some saie) there made him knight. But he allowed not (as I haue heard) the burieng in so vile a corner, saieng, that he would haue them buried in a better place, bicause they were a kings sonnes. Lo the honourable cou|courage of a king. Whervpon they saie, that a priest of sir Robert Brakenberies tooke vp the bodies a|gaine, and secretlie interred them in such place, as by the occasion of his death, which onelie knew it, could neuer since come to light. Uerie truth is it, and well knowne, that at such time as sir Iames Tirrell was in the Tower, for treason committed against the most famous prince king Henrie the seauenth, both Dighton and he were examined,The murther confessed. and confessed the murther in maner aboue written: but whither the bodies were remooued, they could nothing tell.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 And thus (as I haue learned of them that much knew, and little cause had to lie) were these two no|ble princes, these innocent tender children, borne of most roiall bloud, brought vp in great wealth, likelie long to liue, reigne, and rule in the realme, by traito|rous tyrannie taken, depriued of their estate, short|lie shut vp in prison, and priuilie slaine and murthe|red, their bodies cast God wot where, by the cruell ambition of their vnnaturall vncle & his despiteous tormentors. Which things on euerie part well pon|dered, God neuer gaue this world a more notable ex|ample, neither in what vnsuertie standeth this world|lie weale; or what mischeefe worketh the proud enter|prise of an high heart; or finallie, what wretched end insueth such despiteous crueltie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 For first, to begin with the ministers, Miles For|rest, at S. Martins péecemeale rotted awaie.The iust iudgement of God seuerelie reuenging the murther of the innocent prin|ces vpon the malefactors. Digh|ton in déed yet walketh on aliue in good possibilitie to be hanged yer he die. But sir Iames Tirrell died at the Tower hill beheaded for treason. King Richard himselfe, as ye shall hereafter heare, slaine in the field, hacked and hewed of his enimies hands, ha|ried on horsse-backe dead, his haire in despite torne and tugged like a curre dog; and the mischéefe that he tooke, within lesse than three yeares of the mischeefe that he did: and yet all (in the meane time) spent in much paine & trouble outward, much feare, anguish and sorow within. For I haue heard by credible re|port of such as were secret with his chamberleine, that after this abhominable déed doone, he neuer had a quiet mind. [Than the which there can be no greater torment. For a giltie conscience inwardlie accusing and bearing witnesse against an offendor, is such a plague and punishment, as hell it selfe (with all the féends therein) can not affoord one of greater horror & affliction; the poet implieng no lesse in this tristichon:

Poena autem vehemens, ac multo saeuior illis,
Quas & Caeditius grauis inuenit & Radamanthus,Pers. sat. 3.
Nocte diéque suum gestare in pectore testem.

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