Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 For now is she old, leane, withered, and dried vp, nothing left but riuelled skin, and hard bone. And yet EEBO page image 725 being euen such, who so well aduise hir visage, might gesse and deuise, which parts how filled would make it a faire face. Yet delighted not men so much in hir beautie, as in hir pleasant behauiour. For a proper wit had she, and could both read well and write, mer|rie in companie, readie and quicke of answer, nei|ther mute, nor full of bable, somtime tawnting with|out displeasure, and not without disport. The king would saie that he had thrée concubins, which in thrée diuerse properties diuerslie excelled.K. Edwards three concu|bines. One the mer|riest, another the wiliest, the third the holiest harlot in his realme, as one whome no man could get out of the church lightlie to any place, but it were to his bed.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 The other two were somewhat greater persona|ges, and nathelesse of their humilitie content to be namelesse, and to forbeare the praise of those proper|ties: but the meriest was this Shores wife, in whom the king therefore tooke speciall pleasure. For manie he had, but hir he loued; whose fauour to say the truth (for sin it were to beelie the diuell) she neuer abused to anie mans hurt, but to manie a mans comfort and reléefe. Where the king tooke displeasure, shée would mitigate and appease his mind: where men were out of fauour, she would bring them in his grace. For manie that had highlie offended shée ob|teined pardon. Of great forfeitures she gat men re|mission.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Finallie, in manie weightie sutes she stood ma|nie a man in great stead, either for none or verie small rewards, and those rather gaie than rich; either that she was content with the déed it selfe well doone; or for that she delighted to be sued vnto, and to shew what she was able to doo with the king; or for that wanton women and wealthie be not alwaies coue|tous. I doubt not some shall thinke this woman too slight a thing to be written of, and set among the re|membrances of great matters: which they shall spe|ciallie thinke, that happilie shall estéeme hir onelie by that they now sée hir.