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Compare 1577 edition: 1 He also wrote that he should haue the whole duchie of Brabant,Large offers made to the king of Eng|land by the French king. whereof the French king offered at his owne cost and charge to conquer foure of the chiefest and strongest townes within the said duchie, & them in quiet possession to deliuer to the king of Eng|land: granting further to paie him ten thousand an|gels toward his charges, with munitions of warre and artillerie, which he promised to lend him, with men and carriage for the conueiance of the same. The king of England refused to make anie warres against those countries that were thus offered to him: but if the French king would make him part|ner of his conquests in Picardie, rendering to him part of the townes alreadie gotten, as Bologne, Monsterell, and Abuile, then he would suerlie take his part, and aid him with men at his owne costs and charges.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Thus passed faire words and golden promises be|twéene these two princes: and in the meane time the yoong duchesse of Burgognie was spoiled of hir townes, castels & territories, till at length for main|tenance she condescended to marrie with Maximi|lian sonne to the emperour Frederike, that he might kéepe the woolfe from the fold. King Edward in the ninetéenth yeare of his reigne began (more than he was before accustomed) to serch the forfeiture of pe|nall lawes and statutes,1479 Anno Reg. 19. as well of the chéefe of his nobilitie as of other gentlemen, being proprietaries of great possessions, or abundantlie furnished with goods; likewise of merchants, and other inferior per|sons. By reason whereof, it was of all men iudged that he would proue he reafter a sore and a rigorous prince among his subiects. But this his new inuen|ted practise and couetous meaning (by reason of for|reine affaires and abridgement of his daies in this transitorie life, which were within two yeares after consumed) tooke some (but not great) effect.

Abr. Fl. ex I. S. pag. 747, 748. Pestilence.¶In this yeare was great mortalitie and death by the pestilence, not onelie in London, but in diuerse parts of the realme, which began in the latter end of September in the yeare last before passed, and conti|nued all this yeare till the beginning of Nouember, which was about fourtéene moneths: in the which space died innumerable of people in the said citie & else-where.Unaduised & vnséemelie de|meanor puni|shed with a fine. ¶This yeare also the maior of London being in Paules, knéeling in his deuotions at saint Erkenwalds shrine, Robert Bifield one of the shi|riffes vnaduisedlie kneeled downe nigh vnto the maior: whereof afterward the maior charged him to haue doone more than becomed him. But the shiriffe answering rudelie and stubbornlie, would not ac|knowledge to haue committed anie offense: for the which he was afterward by a court of aldermen fi|ned at fiftie pounds to be paid toward the reparati|ons of the conduits in London, which was trulie paid. ¶ This yeere Thomas Ilam one of the shirifs of London newlie builded the great conduit in Cheape,Co [...]dou a Cheape b [...]l|ded. of his owne charges. ¶This yeare also king Edward began his Christmasse at Waking, and at fiue daies end remooued to Greenewich, where he kept out the other part of his Christmasse with great roialtie.]

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