¶But it is noteworthie which I read touching both the kings méeting, Abr. Fl. ex Edw Hall. fol. Ccxxxiiij. the manner of their attire, and demeanour; namelie that when the token of méeting by the shot of the artillerie was knowne, the French king with twelue noble men entered the bridge, and came to the [...]losure, with whome was Iohn duke of Burbon, and the cardinall his brother, a prelat more méet for a ladies carpet, than for an ecclesiasticall pul|pit, and ten other, amongst whome the lord of Argen|ton was in like disguised attire as the French king ware, for so was his pleasure that daie to haue him adorned. The king of England and foure other with him were apparelled in [...]oth of gold frised, hauing on his bonet of blacke velue [...] a flower delice of gold, set with verie rich and orient stones; he was a goodlie faire and beautifull prince, beginning a litle to grow in flesh. Now when he approched néere the grate, hée tooke off his cap, and made a low and solemne ob [...]i|sance: the French king made to him an humble re|uerence, but after his fashion somewhat homelie. King Lewes imbraced king Edward through the barriers, saieng:
Coosine you be right heartilie wel|come into these parties, assuring you that there is no man in the world that I haue more desired to sée and speake with, than with you: and now landed be al|mightie God, we be here met togither for a good and godlie purpose, whereof I doubt not but that we shall haue cause to reioise.The king of England thanked him, and answered to his words so soberlie, so graue|lie, and so princelie, that the Frenchmen thereat not a litle mused. The chancellor of England made there a solemne oration in laud and praise of peace, con|cluding on a prophesie, which said that at Picquenie should be concluded a peace both honorable and pro|fitable to the realmes of England and France.
When the oth was taken and sworne (as before you haue heard) the French king said merilie to king Edward;
Brother, if you will take pains to come to Paris, you shall be feasted and interteined with la|dies; and I shall appoint you the cardinall of Burbon for your confessor, which shall gladlie absolue you of such sinnes, if anie be commited.The king of Eng|land tooke these words pleasantlie and thankefullie, for he was informed that the cardinall was a good companion, and a chapleine méet for such a dalieng pastime. When this communication was merilie ended, the French king, intending to shew himselfe like a maister amongst his seruants, made all his companie to draw backe from him,The maner|lie English, and vnmaner|lie French. meaning to commune with the king of England secretlie. The Englishmen withdrew them without any comman|dement? Then the two kings communed alone se|cretlie, I thinke not to the profit of the constable of France. The French king demanded of king Ed|ward, whether the duke of Burgognie would accept the truce? King Edward answered that he would once againe make an offer; and then vpon the refu|sall, he would referre and report the truth to them both. Then king Lewes began to speake of the duke of Britaine, whome he would faine haue excepted out of the league. To whom the king of England an|swered: Brother, I require you to mooue no warre to the duke of Britaine; for on my fidelitie, in the time of my néed and aduersitie, I neuer found a more friendlie, sure and stedfast louer than he.
Then king Lewes called his companie againe, and with most lowlie and amiable commendations tooke his leaue of the king of England, speaking cer|teine friendlie words to euerie Englishman: king Edward dooing likewise to the Frenchmen. Then both at one time departed from the barriers, & moun|ted on horssebacke, and departed; the French king to Amiens, and king Edward to his armie. To whom was sent out of the French kings house, all things necessarie for a prince, insomuch that neither torches nor torchets lacked vnsent. When the French king was departed from Picquenie, he called to him the lord of Argenton, saieng:
By the peace of God, the king of England is an amorous and a faire prince, he at the first becke would gladlie see Paris, where he might fortune to find such pleasant and talkatiue dames, which with faire words & pleasant pastimes might so allure him to their fantasies, that it might breed occasion in him to come ouer the sea againe, which I would not gladlie see. For his progenitors haue beene too long and too often both in Paris and Normandie. On this side the sea I loue neither his sight nor his companie;French loue. but when he is at home I loue him as my brother, and take him as my friend.