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Compare 1577 edition: 1 But now to returne to king Edward. Ye shall vnderstand, that after his comming to London, hée rested there but one daie, or two at the most, taking his iournie foorthright into Kent with all his armie, folowing the bastard, and other his complices, to sup|presse them, if they were in anie place assembled a|gaine to resist him. But after they were once disper|sed, they durst not shew themselues againe in ar|mor, those onlie excepted that were withdrawne vn|to Sandwich with the bastard;Sandwich kept by the rebels. which for the more part were mariners, about eight or nine hundred, beside certeine other euill disposed persons, that accompa|nied him as his souldiers, and men of warre, with whose assistance the bastard kept that towne by strength, hauing in the hauen seuen and fortie ships, great and small, vnder his gouernance.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 But vpon the kings approching néere vnto those parties, they sent to him for pardon, promising that vpon a reasonable appointment,The rebels [...] for pardon. for the safegard of their liues, and other indemnities to be had for their benefit, they would become his faithfull subiects, and deliuer into his hands all the ships. Their offer the king vpon great considerations, and by good delibe|rate aduise of counsell, thought best to accept: and therevpon (being at that time in Canturburie) hée granted to their petitions, and sent immediatlie vn|to Sandwich his brother Richard duke of Glocester, to receiue them to mercie, togither with all the ships, which according to their promise they deliuered into his hands.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 But notwithstanding that (as some write) the bastard Fauconbridge, and other of his companie that were got to Sandwich, had thus their pardons by composition at the kings hand; we find neuerthe|lesse, that the said bastard Fauconbridge, being after|wards at sea (a rouing belike,The bastard of Faucon|bridge be|headed. as he had vsed before) came at length into the open hauen at Southhamp|ton, and there taking land, was apprehended, and shortlie after beheaded. This chanced (as should ap|peare by Fabian) about the latter end of October. Moreouer, Roger Uaughan that had béene sent by king Edward into Wales,Roger Uaug|han taken and beheaded. anon after Teukes|burie field (being a man of great power in that coun|trie) to intrap and surprise by some secret sleight the earle of Penbroke, the said earle being thereof aduer|tised, tooke the same Roger, and without delay stroke off his head.

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