Compare 1577 edition: 1 The earle of Warwike aduertised by messen|gers of king Edwards arriuall, and of his turning toward Yorke, with all hast wrote to his brother the marquesse Montacute, who had laine at the castell of Pomfret all the last winter with a great number EEBO page image 680 of souldiers, willing him to consider in what case their affaires stood, and therevpon with all spéed to set vpon king Edward, or else to keepe the passages, and to staie him from comming anie further for|ward, till he himselfe as then being in Warwike|shire busie to assemble an armie, might come to his aid with the same. [Thus laboured the earle of War|wike by policie and puissance, as well of his owne as others power, to further his owne purpose, ha|uing sworne in heart a due performance of that, which he had solemnlie vowed and promised before.Sée before page 664.]
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 But this notwithstanding, although there were great companies of people of the countries there a|bouts assembled, yet they came not in sight of the king, but suffered him quietlie to passe; either bicause they were persuaded that he ment (as he in outward words pretended) not to claime anie title to the crowne, but onelie his right to the duchie of Yorke; or else for that they doubted to set vpon him, although his number were farre vnequall to theirs; know|ing that not onelie he himselfe, but also his compa|nie were minded to sell their liues dearlie, before they would shrinke an inch from anie that was to incoun|ter them. It maie be that diuerse of the capteins al|so were corrupted: and although outwardlie they shewed to be against him, yet in heart they bare him right good will, and in no wise minded to hinder him. So forward he marched,K. Edward without inter|ruption pas|seth forward to Yorke. till he came to Yorke, on a monday being the eightéenth day of March.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Before he came to the citie by the space of thrée miles, the recorder of Yorke, whose name was Tho|mas Coniers (one knowne in déed not to beare him anie faithfull good will) came vnto him;Thomas Co|niers recorder of Yorke. & gaue him to vnderstand, that it stood in no wise with his suertie, to presume to approch the citie: for either hée should be kept out by force, or if he did enter, he shuld be in danger to be cast away by his aduersaries that were within. King Edward neuerthelesse, sith he was come thus farre forward, knew well inough there was no going backe for him, but manfullie to procéed forward with his begun iournie, and there|fore kept on his way. And shortlie after there came to him out of the citie, Robert Clifford, and Richard Burgh, who assured him that in the quarell which he pretended to pursue, to wit, for the obteining of his right to the duchie of Yorke, he should not faile but be receiued into the citie.