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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 But though the earle of Warwike was earnestlie inflamed against the king, for that he had thus mar|ried himselfe without his knowledge, hauing regard onelie to the satisfieng of his wanton appetite,The earle of Warwike kéepeth h [...]s gréefe secret. more than to his honour or suertie of his estate; yet did he so much dissemble the matter at his returne into England, as though he had not vnderstood anie thing thereof: but onelie declared what he had doone, with such reuerence, and shew of fréendlie counte|nance, as he had béene accustomed. And when he had taried in the court a certeine space, he obteined li|cence of the king to depart to his castell of War|wike, meaning (when time serued) to vtter to the world, that which he then kept secret, that is to saie, his inward grudge, which he bare towards the king, with desire of reuenge, to the vttermost of his power. Neuerthelesse, at that time he departed (to the out|ward shew) so farre in the kings fauour, that manie gentlemen of the court for honours sake gladlie ac|companied him into his countrie.

¶This yéere it was proclamed in England,

Abr. Fl. ex I. S. pag. 717.

Long piked shooes forbid|den.

that the beakes or pikes of shooes and boots should not passe two inches, vpon paine of cursing by the cleargie, and forfeiting twentie shillings, to be paid one noble to the king, an other to the cordwainers of London, and the third to the chamber of London; and for other cities and townes the like order was taken. Before this time, and since the yeare of our Lord 1382, the pikes of shooes and boots were of such length, that they were faine to be tied vp vnto the knees with chaines of siluer and gilt, or at the least with silken laces.]

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 In this yeare also, the kings daughter, the ladie Elizabeth, after wife to king Henrie the seauenth,1466. Anno Reg 6. was borne; king Edward concluded an amitie and league with Henrie king of Castile,Cotteshold shéepe trans|ported into Spaine. and Iohn king of Aragon; at the concluding whereof, he granted li|cence for certeine Cotteshold sheepe, to be transpor|ted into the countrie of Spaine (as people report) which haue there so multiplied and increased, that it hath turned the commoditie of England much to the Spanish profit. Beside this, to haue an amitie with his next neighbour the king of Scots,Truce with Scots. he winked at the losse of Berwike, and was contented to take a truce for fiftéene yeares. Thus king Edward, though for refusall of the French kings sister in law he wan him enimies in France; yet in other places he procu|red him fréends: but those fréends had stood him in small steed, if fortune had not holpe him to an other, euen at his elbow.

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