Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 This duke reioising much in his new office, those foorth diuerse valiant and hardie souldiers, and with great pompe shortlie after tooke the seas, and sailed towards Calis. But when he thought to haue ente|red the hauen, the artillerie shot so hotlie, both out of the towne, and from Risebanke, that he suffering there a sore repulse, was faine to land at Whitsand|baie; and sent word to the capteins of the towne to receiue him as the kings lieutenant, shewing to them his letters patents. But neither he nor his EEBO page image 651 writing was once regarded: and so of necessitie he resorted to the castell of Guisnes, dailie skirmishing with the garrison of Calis, more to his losse than gaine. Diuerse of the mariners of those ships that went ouer with him, after his arriuall, owing more good will to the earle of Warwike than to this yoong duke, conueied their ships into the hauen of Calis, and in them diuerse of the earle of Warwikes eni|mies, as Iamin Findill, Iohn Felow, and diuerse others, the which being presented vnto the earle of Warwike, he caused their heads foorthwith to be striken off. [...]stie hea|ding.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Shortlie after, Richard lord Riuers, and sir An|thonie Wooduile his valiant sonne that was after lord Scales, accompanied with foure hundred war|like persons, were appointed to passe ouer to Guis|nes, to aid the duke of Summerset against his ad|uersaries, which laie in Calis. But as they soiourned at Sandwich abiding for wind and weather to trans|port them ouer, the earles of March and Warwike had knowledge thereof, and sent Iohn Dinham with a small number of men (but a multitude of va|liant hearts) vnto the towne of Sandwich,Iohn Din|ham. which sud|denlie entered the same,The lord Ri|uers taken. and tooke the lord Riuers and his sonne also in their beds, robbing houses, and spoiling ships. And beside this, they tooke the princi|pall ships of the kings nauie, Iohn Stow. and had them awaie with them to Calis [one excepted called Grace de Dieu which might not be had awaie bicause she was bro|ken in the bottome] and there presented them to the earle of March, of whome he was ioifullie receiued. For though in the fight he was sore hurt & maimed in the leg, so as he halted euer after, yet he bare him|selfe so worthilie in that enterprise, that his praise was great amongst all men.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 ΒΆ Sir Baldwine Fulford vndertooke on paine of loosing his head, Abr. Fl. ex I. S. pag. 692. that he would destroie the earle of Warwike: but when he had spent the king a thou|sand marks in monie, Sir Bald|wine Ful|ford his en|terprise. he returned againe.] After this good fortune thus chanced to the lords, diuerse of the best ships taken in the hauen of Sandwich, were well vittelled and manned, and with them the earle of Warwike sailed into Ireland, to common with the duke of Yorke of their great affaires and busi|nesse. The weather and wind were so fauourable to the earles purpose, that within lesse than thirtie daies he passed and repassed from Calis to Dublin, and backe againe.