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Compare 1577 edition: 1 The king receiuing such answer in these words, or other to the like effect, was nothing contented therewith, and so commanded his standards eftsoones to aduance. But yet before he came neere to the place where they were incamped, the said lords wrote to him a letter in their owne excuse,A letter from the lords to the king. protesting they meant no harme in the world against his person, as by their demeanors and proceedings it might well appeare, who had euer fled & withdrawne themselues from place to place, from towne to towne, from vil|lage to village, and from countie to countie. Which might serue for an euident token, that they sought for nothing but onelie their owne safegards & quiet|nesse of the realme, with so much fauour, as in good and safe suertie they might come to his presence, to declare certeine things which in their opinions might turne to the wealth of the realme: and further to make answer to all things that had béene obiected a|gainst them. And now (said they) we are here remai|ning in the vttermost parts of the land (that is) in the marches towards Wales, not farre from Lud|low, not vpon anie presumptuous meaning, but ra|ther in all humble lowlinesse of mind and bodie to a|bide his graces comming: which they besought of God might be in some peaceable maner and fauou|rable in their behalfes.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The king hauing receiued this letter, and coniec|turing that some bitter meaning laie vnder so swéet a spéech, cõmanded his armie againe to march foorth; and comming within halfe a mile of the aduersaries campe, pitched downe his field, and foorthwith caused proclamation to be made, that who so euer of his ad|uersaries would giue ouer his lewd begun enter|prise,A proclama|tion. and repaire to his presence to sue for mercie, he would pardon him of all offenses. This proclama|tion, comming to the vnderstanding of them in the duke of Yorks hoast, caused a great number that were there with him against the king, to get awaie & come to the kings side. Moreouer, there rose among the residue great murmuring: so as they séemed ve|rie like to grow to a gréeuous mutinie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Amongst other of those that came to the kings campe,Andrew Trollop for|saketh the lords. Andrew Trollop was chéefe, who with the other Calisians, which had long serued the king, and liued a long time by his wages, perceiuing now that they should fight against their souereigne lord him|selfe (whose true subiect they estéemed before that time the earle of Warwike euer to haue beene, and in no wise his enimie) in the dead of the night before the daie of the battell secretlie departed from the dukes campe, and submitted themselues to the king, admo|nishing him of all things deuised against him. Wher|of part was, Whethamsted that the duke of Yorke by his expert capteins appointed vpon a waie how to set vpon his enimies, & easilie to discomfit them; so as on the next morning he meant to haue assailed the king and his people, yer they could haue béene readie or warie of his comming.

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