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Compare 1577 edition: 1 The king aduertised of this answer, more wilfull than tollerable, appointed him rather to trie battell, than deliuer the duke of Summerset to his enimies. Whereof they ascerteined made no longer staie, but streightwaie sounded the trumpet to battell: or ra|ther (as Hall saith) while king Henrie sent foorth his ambassadours to treat of peace at the one end of the towne, the earle of Warwike with his Marchmen entred at the other end,The first bat|t [...]ll of saint [...]bons. Wh [...]thamsted and fiercelie setting on the kings fore-ward, within a small time discomfited the same. The place where they first brake into the towne, was about the middle of saint Peters stréet. The fight for a time was right sharpe and cruell, for the duke of Summerset, with the other lords, comming to the succours of their companions that were put to the woorse, did what they could to beat backe the eni|mies: but the duke of Yorke sent euer fresh men to succour the wearie, and to supplie the places of them that were hurt, Edw. Hall. whereby the kings armie was final|lie brought low, and all the cheefteins of the field slaine and beaten downe.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 For there died vnder the signe of the castell, Ed|mund duke of Summerset,The duke of Summerset slaine. who (as hath béene repor|ted) was warned long before to auoid all castels: and beside him laie Henrie the second of that name earle of Northumberland, Humfrie earle of Stafford sonne to the duke of Buckingham, Iohn lord Clif|ford, sir Barthram Antwisell knight,Thomas lord Clifford, saith Whethamsted. a Norman borne (who forsaking his natiue countrie to continue in his loiall obedience to king Henrie, came ouer to dwell here in England when Normandie was lost) William Zouch, Iohn Boutreux, Rafe Bapthorp, with his sonne William Corwin, William Cotton, Gilbert Faldinger, Reginald Griffon, Iohn Dawes, Elice Wood, Iohn Eith, Rafe Woodward, Gilbert Skarlock, and Rafe Willoughbie esquiers, with manie other, in all to the number of eight thou|sand, as Edward Hall saith in his chronicle: if there escaped not a fault in the impression, as 8000 for 800, sith hundreds in verie déed would better agrée with the number of the kings whole power, which he brought with him to that battell, being not manie a|boue two thousand, as by writers appeareth.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 Humfreie duke of Buckingham, being woun|ded, and Iames Butler earle of Ormond and Wil|shire, and Thomas Thorp lord chéefe baron of the es|cheker, séeing fortune thus against them, left the king alone, and with a number fled awaie. Those that thus fled, made the best shift they could to get awaie through gardens and backesides, through shrubs, hed|ges and woods, séeking places where to hide them|selues, vntill that dangerous tempest of the battell were ouerblowne.The kings part vanqui|shed. Diuerse of the kings house also that could better skill to plaie the courtiers than war|riors, fled with the first; and those of the east parts of the realme were likewise noted of too much lacke of courage, for their spéedie withdrawing themselues, and leauing the king in danger of his aduersaries: who perceiuing his men thus fled from him, with|drew into a poore mans house to saue himselfe from the shot of arrowes, that fiue about him as thicke as snow.

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