The bishop and his clergie vnderstanding hereof, with open mouth complained vnto the king, that he caused a sessions to be kept within his sanctuarie, contrarie to the priuilege of his church: and that all their dooings (being doone against law) were of no effect. And notwithstanding the king and his coun|cell had discoursed vnto them the iust and orderlie procéeding,The bishop & his cleargie against the K. and the duke of Summer|set, &c. in de|fense of their ecclesiasticall priuilege. the hainousnesse of the offendors, and the necessitie of their punishment: yet all could not a|uaile, for holie church nor the sanctuarie might be pro|phaned (as they said) with the deciding of temporall matters. Wherevpon the king in the end yéelding to their exclaimes, released a couple of arrant traitors, and reuersed all his former lawfull procéedings, and so vpon the wednesdaie he departed and returned to|wards London.]
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The duke of Yorke maketh claime to the crowne.The duke of Yorke pretending (as yée haue heard) a right to the crowne, as heire to Lionell duke of Clarence, came this yeare out of Ireland vnto Lon|don, in the parlement time, there to consult with his speciall fréends: as Iohn duke of Northfolke, Ri|chard earle of Salisburie, and the lord Richard his sonne, which after was earle of Warwike; Thomas Courtneie earle of Deuonshire, & Edward Brooke lord Cobham. After long deliberation and aduise ta|ken, it was thought expedient, to keepe their chéefe purpose secret; and that the duke should raise an ar|mie of men, vnder a pretext to remooue diuerse coun|cellors about the king, and to reuenge the manifest iniuries doone to the common-wealth by the same rulers. Of the which as principall, the duke of Sum|merset was namelie accused, both for that he was greatlie hated of the commons for the losse of Nor|mandie: and for that it was well knowne, that he would be altogither against the duke of Yorke in his chalenge to be made (when time serued) to the crowne; insomuch that his goods by the commons were fou|lie despoiled and borne awaie from the Blacke fri|ers. [...] Stow. After which riot, on the next morrow, proclamati|on was made through the citie, that no man should spoile or rob, on paine of death. But on the same daie at the standard in Cheape was a man beheaded for dooing contrarie to the proclamation.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 Therefore, when the duke of Yorke had thus, Whethãsted. The duke of yorke raiseth a power, for recouerie of his right to the crowne. by aduise of his speciall fréends, framed the foundation of his long intended enterprise, he assembled a great hoast, to the number of ten thousand able men, in the marches of Wales; publishing openlie, that the cause of this his gathering of people, was for the publike wealth of the realme. The king much astonied at the matter, by aduise of his councell raised a great pow|er, and marched forward toward the duke. But he be|ing thereof aduertised, turned out of that way, which by espials he vnderstood that the king held, and made streight toward London: and hauing knowledge that he might not be suffered to passe through the ci|tie, he crossed ouer the Thames at Kingston bridge, and so kept on towards Kent, where he knew that he had both fréends & well-willers, and there on Burnt heath, a mile from Dertford, and twelue miles from London, he imbatelled, and incamped himselfe verie stronglie, inuironing his field with artillerie and trenches. The king hereof aduertised, brought his armie with all diligence vnto Blackeheath, and there pight his tents.