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Compare 1577 edition: 1 After that, he entred into London, cut the ropes of the draw bridge, & strooke his sword on London stone; saieng, Now is Mortimer lord of this citie. And after a glosing declaration made to the maior touching the cause of his thither comming, he departed againe into Southwarke, and vpon the third daie of Iulie he caused sir Iames Fines, lord Saie, and treasuror of England, to be brought to the Guildhall, and there to be arreigned: who being before the kings iusti|ces put to answer, desired to be tried by his péeres, for the longer delaie of his life. The capteine percei|uing his dilatorie plee,The lord Saie behea|ded at the stã|dard in Che [...] by force tooke him from the of|ficers, and brought him to the standard in Cheape, and there (before his confession ended) caused his head to be striken off, and pitched it vpon an high pole, which was openlie borne before him thorough the stréets.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 And not content herewith, he went to Mile end, and there apprehended sir Iames Cromer then shi|riffe of Kent, and sonne in law to the said lord Saie, causing him likewise (without confession or excuse heard) to be beheaded, and his head to be fixed on a pole: and with these two heads this bloudie wretch entred into the citie againe, and as it were in a spite caused them in euerie stréet to kisse togither, to the great detestation of all the beholders. After this suc|céeded open rapine, and manifest robberie in diuerse houses within the citie, and speciallie in the house of Philip Malpas alderman of London, and diuerse o|ther; ouer and beside ransoming and fining of diuers notable merchants, for the suertie of their liues and goods; as Robert Horne alderman, which paid fiue hundred marks. He also put to execution in South|warke diuerse persons, some for breaking his ordi|nance, and other being of his old acquaintance, lest they should bewraie his base linage, disparaging him for his vsurped surname of Mortimer.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The maior and other the magistrates of London, perceiuing themselues neither to be sure of goods, nor of life well warranted, determined to repell and keepe out of their citie such a mischieuous ca [...]tife and his wicked companie. And to be the better able so to doo, they made the lord Scales, and that renowmed capteine Matthew Or rather Goche. Gough priuie both of their in|tent and enterprise, beséeching them of their helpe and furtherance therein. The lord Scales promised them his aid, with shooting off the artillerie in the Tower; and Matthew Gough was by him appoin|ted to assist the maior and Londoners in all that he might, and so he and other capteins, appointed for de|fense EEBO page image 635 of the citie, tooke vpon them in the night to keepe the bridge, and would not suffer the Kentish|men once to approch. The rebels, who neuer soundlie slept for feare of sudden assaults, hearing that the bridge was thus kept, ran with great hast to open that passage, where betwéene both parties was a fierce and cruell fight.

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