Compare 1577 edition: 1 What néedeth manie words?The qué [...] taketh [...] hir the go|uernement and dischar|geth the [...] of Gloceste [...]. The quéene persua|ded by these meanes, first of all excluded the duke of Glocester from all rule and gouernance, not prohi|biting such as she knew to be his mortall foes to in|uent and imagine causes and gréefs against him and his, insomuch that by hir procurement, diuerse noble men conspired against him. Of the which diuerse wri|ters EEBO page image 627 affirme the marquesse of Suffolke, and the duke of Buckingham to be the chéefe, not vnprocured by the cardinall of Winchester, and the archbishop of Yorke. Diuerse articles were laid against him in open councell, and in especiallie one; That he had cau|sed men adiudged to die,The faint quarell piked to the duke of Glocester. to be put to other execution, than the law of the land assigned. Suerlie the duke verie well learned in the law ciuill, detesting male|factors, and punishing offenses in seueritie of iustice, gat him hatred of such as feared condigne reward for their wicked dooings. And although the duke sufficientlie answered to all things against him ob|iected: yet because his death was determined, his wisedome and innocencie nothing auailed.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 But to auoid danger of tumult that might be rai|sed, if a prince so well beloued of the people should be openlie executed; his enimies determined to worke their feats in his destruction, yer he should haue anie warning. For effecting whereof, a parlement was summoned to be kept at Berrie, A parlement at saint Ed|m [...]ndesburie. whither resorted all the péeres of the realme, and amongst them the duke of Glocester; which on the second daie of the session was by the lord Beaumont, then high constable of England, accompanied with the duke of Bucking|ham, and others, arrested, apprehended, and put in ward, and all his seruants sequestred from him, and thirtie two of the chéefe of his retinue were sent to di|uerse prisons, to the great admiration of the people. The duke the night after he was thus committed to prison,The duke of Glocester sud|denlie mur|thered. being the foure and twentith of Februarie, was found dead in his bed, and his bodie shewed to the lords and commons, as though he had died of a palsie, or of an imposteme.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Ed [...]. Hall. But all indifferent persons (as saith Hall) might well vnderstand that he died of some violent death. Some iudged him to be strangled, some affirme that an hot spit was put in at his fundament, other write that he was smouldered betweene two featherbeds, and some haue affirmed that he died of verie gréefe, for that he might not come openlie to his answer. His dead corpse was conueied to saint Albons, and there buried. After his death, none of his seruants suffered: although fiue of them, to wit, sir Roger Chamberline knight, Middleton, Herbert, Arteise es|quiers, and Richard Nedham gentleman, were ar|reigned, condemned, and drawen to Tiborne, where they were hanged, let downe quicke, and stripped to haue béene bowelled and quartered but the marques of Suffolke comming at that instant brought their pardons,A pardon at a pinch. shewed the same openlie, and so their liues were saued.