Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Likewise on the morow after, he descended into the common house, accompanied with certeine lords, and there declared the same matter to the knights, citizens, and burgesses, praieng the commons for his discharge, that as well all his dooings and procée|dings in the kings affaires beyond the sea, as also his aduertisement and counsell opened to the lords and commons now togither assembled, might be by the king and them inacted and inrolled in the records of the parlement. Wherevpon the next daie after, the speaker William Burghleie, and the companie of the lower house, repaired vnto the kings presence, sitting amongst the lords of the vpper house, & there humblie required that the request of the marquesse might be granted. And so likewise the lords made the like petition kneeling on their knées, insomuch that the king condescended to their desires: and so the labours, demeanours, diligences, and declara|tions of the said marquesse, togither with the desires not onelie of the lords, but also of the commons, as well for the honour of him and his posteritie, as for his acquitall and discharge, were inacted and inrol|led in the records of the parlement.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Th [...] marques of Suffolke, chéefest in fa|uour and au|thoritie with the king and quéene.By the quéenes meanes shortlie after also was the said marquesse aduanced so in authoritie, that he ruled the king at his pleasure, and to his high prefer|ment obteined the wardships both of the bodie and lands of the countesse of Warwike, and of the ladie Margaret sole heire to Iohn duke of Summerset, which ladie was afterward moother to king Henrie the seauenth: and besides that, caused the king to create Iohn de Fois, sonne vnto Gaston de Fois, earle of Longuile, and the Capdau de Beufe earle of Kendall, which Iohn had married his néece, and by his procurement the king elected to the order of the garter the said Gaston, and Iohn his sonne, gi|uing to the sonne towards the maintenance of his degrée, lands and castels, amounting to the summs of one thousand pounds, which lands, name, and stile the issue and line of the said earle of Kendall at this daie haue and inioy.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 These things being thus in dooing, the French king, seeing that the towne of Mans was not deliue|red according to the appointment taken by force of the marriage, raised an armie for to recouer the same. Whereof the king of England being aduerti|sed (least the breach of the truce should come by him) caused the towne to be deliuered without anie force. This yeare was a great commotion in Norwich a|gainst the prior of the place.A commotion in Norwich. At length the citizens o|pened the gates to the duke of Norffolke, who came thither to appease the matter, though at the first they would not suffer him to enter. The chéefe offendors were (according to their demerits) gréeuouslie puni|shed and executed, and the maior was discharged of his office,The libe [...]t [...]s of Norwich seized int [...] [...] kings hands. Indirect meanes to reforme wrongs. and sir Iohn Clifton was made gouer|nour there, vntill the king had restored the citizens to their ancient liberties. This commotion was be|gun for certeine new exactions which the prior clai|med and tooke of the citizens, contrarie to their an|cient fréedome. But herein a wrong taken for get|ting of right was worthilie corrected.