Compare 1577 edition: 1 But the duke of Summerset still maligning the duke of Yorkes aduancement, as he had sought to hinder his dispatch at the first when he was sent ouer to be regent, as before yee haue heard: he likewise now wrought so, that the king reuoked his grant made to the duke of Yorke for enioieng of that office the terme of other fiue yéeres, and with helpe of Wil|liam marquesse of Suffolke obteined that grant for himselfe.The appoint|mẽt disappoin|ted, and poin|ted to the mar|quesse of Suffolke. Which malicious deling the duke of Yorke might so euill beare, that in the end the heate of dis|pleasure burst out into such a flame, as consumed at length not onelie both those two noble personages, but also manie thousands of others, though in diuers times and seasons, as in places hereafter (as occasion serueth) it shall more euidentlie appeare. But now to returne to the parlement.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 The marques of Suffolke,The marques of Suffolks request. supposing all men had as well liked his dooings (during the time of his le|gation in France) as himselfe, the second daie of EEBO page image 626 Iune in the first session of this parlement, in the higher house openlie, eloquentlie, and boldlie decla|red his paine, trauell, and diligence susteined in his said legation, as well for the taking and concluding an abstinence of warre, as in the making of the ma|riage; remembring them also that the said truce ex|pired the first of Aprill next, except a finall peace, or a further truce were concluded in the meane season: and therefore he aduised them to prouide and foresée things necessarie for the warre (as though no con|cord should succeed) least happilie the Frenchmen per|ceiuing them vnprouided, would take their aduan|tage, and agrée neither to peace nor amitie; saieng vnto them further, that sith he had admonished the king and them according to his dutie, if anie thing happened otherwise than well, he was thereof inno|cent and guiltlesse, and had acquited himselfe like a true and louing subiect, and a faithfull councellour, praieng the lords to haue it in remembrance.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Likewise on the morow after, he descended into the common house, accompanied with certeine lords, and there declared the same matter to the knights, citizens, and burgesses, praieng the commons for his discharge, that as well all his dooings and procée|dings in the kings affaires beyond the sea, as also his aduertisement and counsell opened to the lords and commons now togither assembled, might be by the king and them inacted and inrolled in the records of the parlement. Wherevpon the next daie after, the speaker William Burghleie, and the companie of the lower house, repaired vnto the kings presence, sitting amongst the lords of the vpper house, & there humblie required that the request of the marquesse might be granted. And so likewise the lords made the like petition kneeling on their knées, insomuch that the king condescended to their desires: and so the labours, demeanours, diligences, and declara|tions of the said marquesse, togither with the desires not onelie of the lords, but also of the commons, as well for the honour of him and his posteritie, as for his acquitall and discharge, were inacted and inrol|led in the records of the parlement.