Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 This mariage séemed to manie both infortunate and vnprofitable to the realme of England, and that for manie causes. First, the king had not one penie with hir;An [...]minous mariage. and for the fetching of hir, the marquesse of Suffolke demanded a whole fiftéenth in open parle|ment. And also there was deliuered for hir the duchie of Aniou, the citie of Mans, and the whole countie of Maine, which countries were the verie staies and backestands to the duchie of Normandie. And fur|thermore, the earle of Arminacke tooke such displea|sure with the king of England for this mariage, that he became vtter enimie to the crowne of England, and was the cheefe cause that the Englishmen were expelled out of the whole duchie of Aquitaine.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 But most of all it should séeme, that God was displeased with this mariage: for after the confir|mation thereof, the kings freends fell from him, both in England and in France, the lords of his realme fell at diuision, and the commons rebelled in such sort, that finallie after manie fields foughten, and manie thousands of men slaine, the king at length was deposed, and his sonne killed, and this quéene sent home againe, with as much miserie and sorrow as she was receiued with pompe and triumph: such is the instabilitie of worldlie felicitie, and so waue|ring is false flattering fortune. Which mutation and change of the better for the worse could not but net|tle and sting hir with pensiuenesse, yea and anie other person whatsoeuer, that hauing béene in good estate, falleth into the contrarie: whereto the saieng of the poet giueth credit, in these few words following;
Quem res plus nimio delectauère secundae,Ouid. 2. de ar [...].Mutatae quatiunt.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 This yeare, after the deceasse of Henrie Chicheleie archbishop of Canturburie, succeeded Iohn Stafford in that sée, being translated from Bath and Wels. He was the thréescore and one archbishop, as Poly|dor noteth. During the time of the truce, Richard duke of Yorke and diuerse other capteins repaired into England, both to visit their wiues, children, and fréends, and also to consult what should be doone, if the truce ended. Anno Reg. 24. For the which cause a parlement was called, in the which it was especiallie concluded, that by good foresight Normandie might be so furni|shed for defense before the end of the truce, that the French king should take no aduantage through want of timelie prouision: for it was knowne, that if a peace were not concluded,The duke of Summerset made regent of Normãdie, and the duke of Yorke dis|charged. the French king did prepare to imploie his whole puissance to make open warre. Héerevpon monie was granted, an armie le|uied, and the duke of Summerset appointed to be re|gent of Normandie, and the duke of Yorke thereof discharged.