Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Anno Reg. 15.Shortlie after that the duke of Burgognie had béene before Calis, at the desire of princes, a truce for a time was moued to be had betwéene the king of England & the said duke. For which cause were sent to Grauelin for the king of England, Henrie Beau|ford cardinall of Winchester, Iohn lord Mowbraie duke of Northfolke, Humfrie earle of Stafford, and diuerse other well learned & honorable personages. And for the duke of Burgognie, there appeared the duchesse his wife, the bishop of Arras, the lord of Croie, and diuerse other. At this treatie, a truce was taken for a small time,A truce taken betwéene the king of Eng|land and the duchesse of Burgognie. and for a lesse obserued, which was concluded betweene the king of England, and the duchesse of Burgognie (interlacing the duke and his name.)
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 Hall. Some thinke, that the king of England would neuer enter in league with him, bicause he had bro|ken his promise, oth, and writing sealed to him, and to his father. Other imagined this to be doone of a cau|tell, to cast a mist before the French kings eies, to the intent he should beléeue that this feat was wrought by the duchesse, without assent or knowledge of the duke or his councell; and so he was not bound to ac|complish anie act or thing doone in his wiues treatie. Thus may you sée, that princes sometime with such vaine glosses and scornefull expositions will hide their dooings, and cloke their purposes; to the intent they would not either be espied, or else that they may plucke their heads out of the collar at their plea|sure. But (as the common opinion goeth) he which is a promise-breaker escapeth not alwaies with impu|nitie. For it is well seene by dailie and vsuall euents both in princes and priuat persons, that for violating their faith, and breaking of promise, manie discom|modities arise, and inconueniences not a few doo fol|low. To the due keeping whereof the heathen bare such a religious conscience, that a prophane man in respect of others, preferreth it before sacrifice, the sen|tence is of great excellencie out of a pagans mouth:
Non boue mactato coelestia numina gaudent,Sed quae praestanda est & sine teste fide.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 About this season, queene Katharine mother to the king of England departed out of this life,14 [...]7 and was buried by hir husband in the abbeie of Westminster. This woman, after the death of king Henrie the fift hir husband,Katharine mother to king Henrie maried Owen Teuther. being yoong and lustie, following more hir owne wanton appetite than fréendlie counsell, and regarding more priuate affection than prince-like honour, tooke to husband priuilie a galant gentle|man and a right beautifull person, indued with ma|nie goodlie gifts both of bodie & mind, called Owen Teuther, a man descended of the noble linage and ancient line of Cadwallader last king of the Bri|tains. By this Owen she brought foorth thrée goodlie sonnes, Edmund, Iasper, and another that was a monke in Westminster, and liued a small time: also a daughter which in hir youth departed out of this transitorie life.