Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The Frenchmen, perceiuing that the earle and his horsses were wearie, and that his archers were not yet come, determined to set vpon him before the com|ming of his footmen, the which they knew to be little more than a mile behind. Wherfore for a policie, they set foorth fiftie horssemen, as though there had beene no mo within the castell. The earle perceiuing this, sent foorth sir Randolfe Standish to incounter them, hauing with him an hundred horsses. The French|men fought couragiouslie awhile, and suddenlie came out all the remnant, and slue sir Randolfe Standish and all his companie, and boldlie set on the earle and his band, which manfullie resisted the Frenchmen, till at length the Hire caused thrée culuerings to be shot off amongst the Englishmen, wherof one strake the earle on the ancle, and so brake his leg, that for paine he fell from his horsse.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 Then the Frenchmen entered amongst the Eng|lishmen, tooke the earle lieng on the ground, with sir Richard Wooduile, and six score more, and there were slaine almost two hundred. The residue saued them|selues as well as they might.The earle of Arundell de|ceassed. The earle was caried to Beauuois, where of his hurt he shortlie died, & was buried in the frier Minors. He was a man of singu|lar vertue, constancie, and grauitie, whose death in so troublous a season did sore appall the harts of the En|glish people. Thus oftentimes varied the chance of doubtfull warre, so that one time the Englishmen got by assault, and yeelded diuerse strong townes, castels, and piles: and at another season the French people, sometime by bargaine, sometime by assault obteined the same againe, or other in their stéed.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 About the moneth of Iune in this twelfth yeare, Iohn duke of Bourbon and Auuergne, taken priso|ner at the battell of Agincourt eighteene yéeres past (as before ye haue heard) now paieng his ransome, which was eightéene thousand pounds sterling, was taken with a most sore and grieuous feuer, the which made an end of his life in the citie of London,The duke of Bourbon di|eth at Lon|don. on the same daie that was appointed for his departure to|wards France, whose corpse was interred in the graie friers of the same citie. ¶This yeare also about the latter end of Maie, was a méeting appointed to be had at saint Omers betwixt the dukes of Bed|ford and Burgognie, for the qualifieng of certeine displeasures and grudges betwixt them kindled and mainteined by some flattering taletellers, who rai|sing matters of reproch touching their honors, bred such grudges, that all loue betwixt them ceassed, all affinitie reiected and all old fréendship forgotten; W. P. such enuie insueth where enimitie once hath princes harts possessed.