Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Whilest these things were dooing in France, the cardinall of Winchester was come backe againe into England, to appease certeine commotions and sturres a [...]tempted by sundrie persons vnder colour of religion: but after that William Mandeuile, and Iohn Sharpe the chéefe authors thereof were appre|hended and executed by the gouernour and the kings iustices,The two er|rours. the residue yeelded and confessed their offen|ses, whereof two articles were these (as some write) that priests should haue no possessions, and that all things by the order of charitie among christian peo|ple should be in common. Other thought their opini|ons were not such errours, but that their enimies spread abroad such rumors of them, to make them more odious to the people.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 After that,
A parlement called by the duke of Glo|cester the king being in France.
A peace con|cluded with the Scots.
a parlement was called by the duke of Glocester, in the which monie was assigned to be le|uied, and men appointed, which should passe ouer in|to France to the aid of the duke of Bedford, for the maintenance of the warres: bicause it was suspec|ted the truce would not long continue. During this parlement, Iames the king of Scots sent ambassa|dors to conclude a peace with the duke of Glocester, who (bicause the king was absent) referred the mat|ter to the thrée estates. After long consultation, not without great arguments, a peace was concluded. When the parlement was ended, the cardinall well furnished with men & monie, departed out of Eng|land, and came to Rone to the king, to whome also re|sorted the duke of Bedford from Paris, to consult of things not vnlikelie to follow.Compare 1577 edition: 1 Herevpon a great councell was kept in the castell of Rone, and manie doubts mooued, and few weigh|tie things out of hand concluded. At length, after great disputation, with manie arguments ended, the dukes of Bedford and Yorke, and Edmund late earle of Mortaigne, and now (by the death of Iohn duke of Summerset, leauing behind him a sole daughter and heire, maried to the earle, and called Margaret after the countesse of Richmond) atteined to the name and title of duke of Summerset, approo|ued the reason of those, that held it expedient to haue an armie in a redinesse for defense, least the French|men suddenlie should attempt anie enterprise to the danger of the Englishmen, and losse of those townes and countries that were vnder them.