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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 Herevpon in Februarie, the capteins doubting least the citie could not be defended long, caused all the vittels and goods to be conueied into the market place, and retired all the men of warre into the same, leauing none in the other part of the citie, but the commons, and such as were not able to doo any a|uaileable seruice in the warre. The king aduertised hereof, commanded in all hast to assault the citie, which was quicklie doone;Meaux taken by assault. so that the citie by fine force was within thrée houres taken and spoiled; and the same daie the market place besieged round a|bout, and a mill woone adioining vnto the same. In Aprill, the quéene passed ouer into France, Anno Reg. 10. Queéne Ka|tharine saileth into France. with a faire retinue of men, vnder the conduct of the duke of Bedford, the duke of Glocester remaining lord gouernour of the realme in his place. At hir com|ming thither, she was so welcommed and honorablie receiued, first of hir husband, and after of hir father and mother, that she appeared to be no lesse loued of hir noble husband, than of hir déere and naturall pa|rents.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Whilest the siege still continued before Meaux,Oliuer Man|nie. O|liuer Mannie a valiant man of warre of the Dol|phins part (which before was capteine of Faleise, and yéelding it, sware neuer to beare armour against the king of England) assembled a great number of men of warre, as well Britaines as Frenchmen, that is to saie, the lord Montborchier, the lord of Coinon, the EEBO page image 582 lord of Chatelgiron, the lord Tintignace, the lord de la Howssaie, and diuerse other, which entered into the countrie of Constantine in Normandie, and robbed and killed the Englishmen, where they might either espie or take them at their due aduantage. But the earle of Suffolke kéeper of the marches, hearing of their dooings, sent for the lord Scales, sir Iohn As|ton bailiffe of Constantine, sir William Hall, sir Iohn Banaster, and many other, out of the garrisons within that territorie, the which incountred with their enimies at a place called Le parke leuesque, in En|glish, The bishops parke.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 A sore cõflict.There was a sore fight and a long betwixt them, but finallie, the Frenchmen were put to flight, so that in the conflict and chase were slaine, the lord of Coinon, the lord of Chatellgiron, and thrée hundred other: and there were taken prisoners, the lord de la Howssaie, and sir Oliuer Mannie, with threescore o|thers. The king pardoned sir Oliuer Mannie his life, though he ill deserued so great a benefit, for that he had broken his oth and promise, but he was sent into England, there to learne to speake English, and so being brought to London, shortlie after died, being as then a verie aged man, & was buried in the white friers. Abr. Fl. ¶ But here note (by the waie) the roiall hart of this king, who as he tempered all his actions with singular circumspection; so with a pitifull mind he pondered the miserie of his enimies; so that when he might (Iure belli, by the law of armes) haue spoiled them of goods and life, he diuerse times spared both; with clemencie cõmonlie making conquest of them, who séemed by open hostilitie scarse conquerable.

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