Compare 1577 edition:
5 The Britaines
vnder the conduct of the lord of Cassils, spoiled and burnt the towne of Plimmouth, and returned without
receiuing anie damage, but immediatlie therevpon, the westerne men man|ning foorth a fléet, vnder the
gouernement of one William Wilford esquier,
William Wil|ford. Ships taken.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 This yeare in the parlement holden at London (beginning the morow after the feast of saint Hila|rie, and continuing twelue wéeks) the earle of Nor|thumberland was restored vnto his former digni|ties, lands and goods,The parle|ment begin|neth againe. The earle of Northumber|land restored The Ile of Man. the Ile of Man onlie excepted, which by reason of the forfeiture made by the earle of Salisburie, the king had first giuen vnto him, and now depriued him thereof, where all his other lands, possessions, and liuings were wholie to him and his heires restored. By authoritie of the same parlement a subsidie was also granted to the king,A subsidie. of euerie knights fée twentie shillings, whether the same were holden of him by menaltie, or otherwise. Moreouer, euerie man and woman that might dispend in lands the value of twentie shillings & so vpward, aboue the reprises, whether the same lands belonged to the laie fee, or to the church, paied for euerie pound twelue pence: and those that were valued to be woorth in goods twentie pounds and vpwards, paid also after the rate of lands, that is, twelue pence for euerie pound. Abr. Fl. out of Tho. Walsin. Hypod. pag. 164. ¶ This séemeth to be that subsidie which Tho|mas Walsingham calleth a sore surcharging subsidie, or an vnaccustomed tax: the forme and maner wher|of (saith he) I had here interlaced, but that the verie granters and authors thereof had rather that the po|steritie should be vtterlie ignorant thereof, and ne|uer heare of it; sithens it was granted vpon this condition, that hereafter it should not be drawne in|to example; neither might the euidences thereof be kept in the kings treasurie, nor in the excheker; but the records thereof presentlie (after the iust ac|counts giuen vp) burned; neither should writs or commissions be sent abroad against the collectors or inquirers hereof for their better inquest.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The Frenchmen about the same time came before the Ile of Wight with a great nauie,The French|mens demand of the Ile of Wight. and sent cer|teine of their men to the shore, to demand in name of king Richard, and of his wife quéene Isabell, a tribute or speciall subsidie in monie, of the inhabi|tants of that Ile; who answered,The answer of the Iland|men. that king Richard was dead, and queene Isabell sometime his wife had béene sent home to hir parents and countrie, without condition of anie dowrie or tribute: wherefore, they answered reasonablie, that none they would giue: but if the Frenchmen had desire to fight, they willed them to come on land, and there should be none to re|sist them; and after they were on land, they promised to giue them respit for six houres space to refresh themselues, and that time being once expired, they should not faile to haue battell. When the French|men heard of this stout answer made by the Iland|men, they had no lust to approch néere to the land, but returned without further attempt.