Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 But wheresoeuer this offer was made, after that the archbishop had now here at Flint communed with the king, he departed, and taking his horsse a|gaine, rode backe to meet the duke, who began at that present to approch the castell, and compassed it round about, euen downe to the sea, with his people ran|ged in good and séemelie order, at the foot of the moun|teins: and then the earle of Northumberland pas|sing foorth of the castell to the duke, talked with him a while in sight of the king, being againe got vp to the walles, to take better view of the armie, being now aduanced within two bowe shootes of the castell, to the small reioising (ye may be sure) of the sorowfull king. The earle of Northumberland returning to the castell, appointed the king to be set to dinner (for he was fasting till then) and after he had dined, the duke came downe to the castell himselfe, and entred the same all armed, his bassenet onelie excepted, and being within the first gate, he staied there, till the king came foorth of the inner part of the castell vnto him.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The king accompanied with the bishop of Car|leill, the earle of Salisburie, and sir Stephan Scroope knight, who bare the sword before him, and a few o|ther, came foorth into the vtter ward, and sate downe in a place prepared for him. Foorthwith as the duke got sight of the king,The dukes behauiour to the king at their meéting. he shewed a reuerend dutie as became him, in bowing his knée, and comming for|ward, did so likewise the second and third time, till the king tooke him by the hand, and lift him vp, saieng; Déere cousine, ye are welcome. The duke humblie thanking him said;
My souereigne lord and king,The dukes demand. the cause of my comming at this present, is (your honor saued) to haue againe restitution of my person, my lands and heritage, through your fauourable licence. The king hervnto answered; Déere cousine, I am readie to accomplish your will, so that ye may inioy all that is yours, without exception.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Méeting thus togither, they came foorth of the ca|stell, and the king there called for wine,The king and the duke iour|nie togither towards London. and after they had dronke, they mounted on horssebacke, and rode that night to Flint, and the next daie vnto Chester, the third vnto Nantwich, the fourth to Newcastell. Here, with glad countenance, the lord Thomas Beauchampe earle of Warwike met them, that had beene confined into the Ile of Man, as before ye haue heard; but now was reuoked home by the duke of Lancaster. From Newcastell they rode to Stafford, and the sixt daie vnto Lichfield, and there rested sun|daie all daie. After this, they rode foorth, and lodged at these places insuing, Couentrie, Dantrée, North|hampton, Dunstable, S. Albons, & so came to Lon|don: neither was the king permitted all this while to change his apparell, but rode still through all these townes simplie clothed in one sute of raiment, and yet he was in his time excéeding sumptuous in appa|rell, in so much as he had one cote, which he caused to be made for him of gold and stone,K. Richard sumptuous in apparell. valued at 30000 marks: & so he was brought the next waie to West|minster.