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Compare 1577 edition: 1 ¶ This suerlie is a verie notable example,A speciall note woorthie to be well weied. and not vnwoorthie of all princes to be well weied, and dili|gentlie marked, that this Henrie duke of Lancaster should be thus called to the kingdome, and haue the helpe and assistance (almost) of all the whole realme, which perchance neuer thereof thought or yet drea|med; and that king Richard should thus be left deso|late, void, and in despaire of all hope and comfort, in whom if there were anie offense, it ought rather to be imputed to the frailtie of wanton youth, than to the malice of his hart: but such is the deceiuable iudgement of man, which not regarding things pre|sent with due consideration, thinketh euer that things to come shall haue good successe, with a plea|sant & delitefull end. But in this deiecting of the one, & aduancing of the other, the prouidence of God is to be respected, & his secret will to be woondered at. For as in his hands standeth the donation of kingdoms, so likewise the disposing of them consisteth in his pleasure, which the verie pagans vnderstood right well; otherwise, one of them would neuer haue said,

Regum timendorum in proprios greges,Hor. lib. car. 3. ode. 1.
Reges in ipsos imperium est Iouis
Cuncta supercilio mouentis.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 Sir Thomas Persie earle of Worcester, lord EEBO page image 500 steward of the kings house,The earle of Worcester leaueth the K. and fléeth to the duke. either being so com|manded by the king, or else vpon displeasure (as some write) for that the king had proclaimed his brother the earle of Northumberland traitor, brake his white staffe, which is the representing signe and token of his office, and without delaie went to duke Henrie. When the kings seruants of houshold saw this (for it was doone before them all) they dispersed themsel|ues, some into one countrie, and some into an other. When the duke of Lancaster vnderstood that king Richard was returned foorth of Ireland, he left the duke of Yorke still at Bristow, and came backe with his power vnto Berkleie; the second daie he came to Glocester, and so to Roos, after to Hereford, where came to him the bishop of Hereford, and sir Edmund Mortimer knight. On the sundaie following, he went to Limster, and there the lord Charleton came to him. From thence he went to Ludlow, and the next daie to Shrewsburie, where he rested one daie, and thither came to him sir Robert Leigh,Where for|tune fauou|reth, thither the peoples fauour fléeth. and sir Iohn Leigh, and manie other being sent from Che|ster, to treat with the duke of Lancaster, for the citie and countie of Chester, that were now readie to sub|mit themselues vnto him in all things.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 There came hither vnto him the lord Scales, and the lord Berdolfe, foorth of Ireland, hauing béene spoiled of all they had about them in Wales, as they came through the countrie. From Shrewsburie, he kept on his iournie towards Chester, and lodging one night by the waie, in a towne there in the bor|ders of Wales,The duke of Lancaster comming to Chester. he came the second night to Chester, and staied there certeine daies togither, making a iollie muster of his armie there in sight of the citie. The clergie met, & receiued him with procession: he sent foorthwith for his sonne & heire, & likewise for the duke of Glocesters soone & heire, that were as yet remaining in Ireland, commanding them with all spéed to returne home into England. But the duke of Glocesters sonne, through mischance perished, as he was on the seas to come ouer, for whose losse his mother tooke such greefe, that shortlie after through immoderate sorow she likewise passed out of this transitorie life.

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