Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The earle prolonged time for the executing of the kings commandement, though the king would haue had it doone with all expedition, wherby the king con|ceiued no small displeasure, and sware that it should cost the earle his life if he quickly obeied not his com|mandement. The earle thus as it séemed in maner in|forced, called out the duke at midnight, as if he should haue taken ship to passe ouer into England, and there in the lodging called the princes In, he cau|sed his seruants to cast featherbeds vpon him, and so smoother him to death, or otherwise to strangle him with towels (as some write.) This was the end of that For he was son to a king, and vncle to a king. noble man, fierce of nature, hastie, wilfull, and giuen more to war than to peace: and in this great|lie to be discommended, that he was euer repining against the king in all things, whatsoeuer he wished to haue forward. He was thus made awaie not so soone as the brute ran of his death. But (as it should appeare by some authors) he remained aliue till the parlement that next insued, and then about the same time that the earle of Arundell suffered, he was dis|patched (as before ye haue heard.) His bodie was af|terwards with all funerall pompe conueied into England, and buried at his owne manor of Plashie within the church there, in a sepulchre which he in his life time had caused to be made, and there erected.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The same euening that the king departed from London towards Plashie, to apprehend the duke of Glocester,The earle of Arundell ap|prehended. the earle of Rutland and the earle of Kent were sent with a great number of men of armes and archers to arrest the erle of Arundell; which was doone easilie inough, by reason that the said earle was trained with faire words at the kings hands, till he was within his danger: where otherwise he might haue béene able to haue saued himselfe, and deliuered his fréends. The earle of Warwike was taken, and committed to the tower the same day that the king had willed him to dinner, and shewed him verie good countenance. There were also apprehen|ded and committed to the tower the same time, the lord Iohn Cobham, and sir Iohn Cheinie knights. The earle of Arundell was sent to the Ile of Wight, there to remaine as prisoner, till the next parlement, in the which he determined so to prouide, that they should be all condemned, and put to death. And for doubt of some commotion that might arise amongst the commons, he caused it by open proclamation to be signified, that these noblemen were not apprehen|ded for any offense committed long agone, but for new trespasses against the king, as in the next parle|ment should be manifestlie declared and prooued.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Shortlie after, he procured them to be indicted at Notingham,The names of the appel|lants. suborning such as should appeale them in parlement, to wit, Edward earle of Rutland, Tho|mas Mowbraie earle marshall, Thomas Holland earle of Kent, Iohn Holland earle of Huntington, Thomas Beaufort erle of Summerset, Iohn Mon|tacute earle of Salisburie, Thomas lord Spenser, and the lord William Scroope lord chamberleine. In the meane time, the king fearing what might be attempted against him by those that fauoured these noblemen that were in durance,A gard of Cheshire men about the king. sent for a power of Cheshire men, that might day and night keepe watch and ward about his person. They were about two thousand archers, paid wéekelie, as by the annales of Britaine it appeareth. The king had little trust in a|ny of the nobilitie, except in his brother the earle of Huntington, and the earle of Rutland sonne to the duke of Yorke, and in the earle of Salisburie: in these onelie he reposed a confidence, and not in any other, except in certeine knights and gentlemen of his priuie chamber.